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“You can be, do or have anything you want in your career and life. BUT not without this. If this ingredient is missing it will be harder if possible. With it, you can be unstoppable! So, do you have what it takes to succeed and be happy? The ingredient, the characteristic, you must have to succeed is confidence. Self-Confidence is the belief in yourself to make your dreams come true.

If you don’t already have it then it’s important that you develop a deep, strong belief that you have the resources inside you, the abilities, skills and talents to create what you want. To get the results you’re after you must have the confidence and high self-esteem to assure yourself that you can manifest your desires. You must have a confident self-image. You must know You can.

Napoleon Hill pointed out the starting place of all achievement is desire. You must passionately desire what you clearly want. You must clarify your want and desire it so strongly he called it a white-hot obsession. Then you must have faith that YOU can and will make it happen. I prefer the word certainty. You MUST be certain you can and will pull it off. “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”


Even if you don’t know how yet. If you are clear on what you want. Desire it intensely enough to go after it and believe that you will do it regardless then you can have it. He said if you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it. That’s what is necessary. The belief you can pull it off. You must believe that right now you have everything you need within you. You are enough within.

AND because you are enough within you can find and align with the outer resources to make it happen. YOU WILL BE SECURE ENOUGH to align with others cooperatively. You don’t spend time doubting but in doing. Because you are clear, passionate and certain you are focused. Because you are congruent and not conflicted, uncertain or worried your subconscious pulls plans together.

Then you experiment and get feedback and make the adjustments necessary to take all the right actions to make and attract what you want to happen. You rely on yourself and work together with others in the spirit of harmony because you are confident in yourself and the universe. You trust. Since you aren’t scared or doubtful, but secure and passionate all your energies are harnessed.


You’re a powerhouse moving towards and after your dream. You’re of one mind, one spirit. You work with the natural laws. You know there will be ups and downs. You know that’s just part of the process. So, you enjoy the process whatever comes your way. When all your energies are aligned and your attention in the right place you take the right actions and get results.

As the saying goes, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. When you love what you do it’s not hard work or sacrifice. Your efforts if you wish to call them that arise from your life and passion. You are optimistic and fearless knowing you can do it. You’ve got this! You know you are capable. You are confident. You are secure and believe in yourself and abilities.

You know if you don’t yet have the skills you can learn the skills you need. You are confident in your ability to learn. Everything is learned so you can learn to do what is necessary. DO you understand that your confidence in you is your attitude toward yourself. It’s your beliefs and mindset. If you love and respect yourself enough you will believe in yourself quite naturally.


So, if you’re going to succeed in your career, your hobbies, and in creating the life you want, it’s crucial you believe that you can bring it about and make it happen. You must believe in YOU and that it IS possible! You must have this faith! If you don’t know what to do you can and will learn it. You believe in yourself and your abilities. You live from the wish fulfilled.

You most likely will never make it happen if you don’t believe in yourself or believe it is possible to be, do or have what you desire. For some they will take that as bad news and live with it. For some others they will hope things change. For those who achieve what they set out to, they will develop the attitude and the skills to make it happen. The good news is you can learn to be confident right now. You can be the kind of person for whom this is easy. More coming up in other blogs. Know this. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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