“The mystic poet Rumi is known to have said, ‘Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that.’ Smile. Trust what makes you smile. Trust the good feelings. Feel good. Let go of the crap and feel better. Guess what, you can do this almost instantly. Here’s how.
Some cool research news. Just smiling initiates chemical reactions in the brain releasing certain hormones, including dopamine and serotonin, which increase our feelings of happiness and reduce stress. The simple act of raising the corners of our mouth does this.
You can do the research on the internet. I just want to briefly give you some findings. Research indicates happiness boosts your immune system. Depression and stress weaken it. Good reason to be happy! Research findings from the field of Psychoneuroimmunology.
If You Want Your Life To Change You Must Change Some Things
JUST the act of smiling, whether you mean it, or fake it, enhances or builds your immunity. The brain recognizes the muscle movements as humor happening. Your brain gets signaled from your muscles. Taking its cue from these signals your brain boosts your immunity!
Good news. You can actually feel better by smiling more throughout the day! Just smile. Even if you don’t feel it, at first. The more often you smile the more you will begin to feel it. You’ll develop a smiling and feeling good habit. WOW, isn’t that cool! BOOM! Do it!
Happiness boosts your natural resistance to illness. Make yourself more happy, more often, by taking action. Use your facial muscles to give you the needed lift. Try it out. Do it for 30 seconds or so a pop as often as you can during the day. Use a timer to remind you to smile.
People Born Blind Have Never Seen A Smile But Know How To
You can energize yourself, reduce stress, feel better, happier and healthier and avoid burn-out when you do this. You’ll feel better, BUT guess what, others around you will too. In our brains are Mirror Neurons. These cause us to feel and mirror people around us.
Some call it rapport. When we’re in rapport or a have connection we can, and may, empathize, sympathize and understand the other person more. We feel what they feel and may think more like they think. You smile and others will. Others smile and you will. WOW!
I’ve said for 40 years, ‘if you get up, put a smile on your face and look for smiles you are bound to find them.’ You’ll find frowns too if that is what you look for.’ ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you!” is another famous adage. People, just feel compelled, in most instances, to smile back.
A Smile Is Magic – A Smile Is Power – Use Your Magical Power
You can smile back at yourself! Imagine that. Look in the mirror. Smile, wink, flirt, feel good about yourself. Laugh, affirm positive strong powerful, confident mantras. Use your mirror throughout the day to inspire, motivate and make you feel incredible. You will!
Don’t waste a move, bust a move! Smile when things are stressful. Smile when traffic is overwhelming. Smile when something is taking a longer time than expected. Smile during computer issues. Get it. Use your physiology to change what you experience. Do it.
Instead of feeling stressed, let go and smile. Let go and feel better. Refresh and renew yourself. Hey, it may seem strange at first. That’s normal! Get out of your old habitual comfort zone and do something new and healthy for you. Take charge of feeling good. Then you’ll feel good more often. Smile and feel your best. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“I am so glad I found Rex in 1994. I did my NLP and DHE with him. Although I’ve done training with many others over the years, it is clear to me that what I learned with Rex was the best of the best and went deep into my subconscious mind. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be a part of this Mind Design training. Great and exciting things are on the horizon.” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“Doing Mind Design is like practicing an instrument or going to the gym. Every day I’m honing my skills and building my Mind Design muscles. It becomes more wired into my brain, easier, and more automatic. The more I use it the more I appreciate it.” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes. You are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
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