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“Many people think ‘I’ll start ‘doing’ affirmations’. They think they will add  in the practice of repeating phrases to themselves as if it is something new to do. They consider it a ‘new practice’.  They add ‘it’ in from the outside as if they weren’t already doing ‘it’. They were.

They are mistaken. We ‘do’ affirmations ALL the time! Whether we know it or not. Our repeated thoughts ARE affirmations. Most people are great at negative affirmations and rarely do positive ones. Get it? We’re affirming things all the time! Mostly negative.

You can’t not do them. To be happier and successful you need to switch from negative affirmations, from less than glorious thoughts, to positive and supportive ones. Stop repeating self-defeating statements and replace them with positive life affirming ones!

You Become What You Think About Most Frequently

Negative self-talk is an issue for most people. They look for a ‘technique’ or  ‘strategy’, to ‘do’ to get results. They should realize most success comes from stopping the negative things we do and re-directing our energy in positive ways. We change where we focus.

Most of us are already great at doing the ‘wrong’ affirmations. We know how. So, we just need to switch what we are doing from a negative mindset to a positive one. We already have all sorts of resources within us. We just need to uncover and utilize them.

We need to stop, or eliminate, the ‘bad habits’, those that don’t support us and create new positive habits that do support us. Get it?
We need to stop affirming we are broken, suffering, stupid, or that the world and others are out to get us. Change that inner talk!

You Are Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You

It isn’t what you add in that helps so much. It is dropping the old bad habits and correcting those things you have been doing. Change the old habits to positive habits and make them work for you in powerful and positive ways. Change what you say to yourself and to others.

You aren’t doing something that might work when you re-direct your affirmations. Your self-defeating affirmations have already been working in your life. That’s a given. That’s proven. Now, you correct the system. Reset the thermostat. Change direction.

You use the same processes you already use! You use processes that are efficient and effective. All you do is change where you put your focus. Change what you focus on. Stop focusing on how things suck. Focus on finding the good within them. Instead of ‘I can’t’, its ‘I can!’

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Correct

Get it? You become what you think about. Think about good things! You get what you focus on. So focus on what is right, what is good, positive and working. Affirm these things repeatedly, instead of the ‘bad’ things you have routinely, habitually, repeatedly affirmed.

More in my next blog. Meanwhile, remember, you already use affirmations to great effect. If you aren’t getting the results you want it only means you aren’t using your thoughts and feelings in a way to help you get your desires. You are using them against yourself. Stop that. Change what you are doing and your life can change. Your whole life! Re-direct.  Start by celebrating everything!” Rex Sikes

Enroll In Mind Design™ Program. Email for details and to enroll! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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