“All your arguments are you resisting what is. You resisting the flow. You resisting the other, who is you. You are both connected. You are mirrors of each other. It is you projecting and you blaming. You are arguing with yourself over things that truly don’t matter. Get it?
Of course, you think you are right. The other, thinks they are right. You have your points, the other has their points. It is important to you and it is important to the other. It is all the same even though it appears different. It is anger, confusion, intolerance, negativity.
It is hot and passionate. It is all the same. It is one, thinking it is two, resisting itself. Resistance. Struggle. Delusion. The argument is an opportunity, beyond the important points each of the one both make, to go beyond the illusion, surrender and discover yourself.
Whatever You Focus On Expands – Let Go And Let God – Flow
Seek the higher. All argument is an emphasis on differences. Find a way to unite. Find a way to create understanding, agreement and harmony. Discover the lesson, the projection. Notice what the mirror is reflecting when you argue. Accept and allow the lesson.
When you do your relationships with your self and ‘others’ can improve. Stop insisting and start assisting you and others. Learn how to better communicate and get along. Everything is ultimately for your good. Learn from all of it. Celebrate all of it and grow. You will transform more quickly as you celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch