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“We are mirrors for each other. Each person you meet or encounter reflects back who and what you are. That person is your reflection. You can learn from this person if you are wise and ready. It is what is meant by, ‘when student is ready the teacher appears.’ Understand?

When you are ready to recognize that you meet your self, source, god or the universe in each person you will become free. The awareness necessary to develop is that when you feel your buttons pushed it is NOT the other person, it is you reacting to you.

You react to the reflection. Your patterns and buttons and resistance are mirrored back to you so you CAN when you are aware and ready to choose to, let go and release them, so you can be free and move forward. Conflict is this regard is absolutely a blessing.

What We Find In Others Originates In Ourselves – Become Aware

We get feedback about ourselves from others, from events and circumstances. These let us know who we are, what we are focused on. We get feedback in the same way from our feelings. Everything is an opportunity when we realize it and recognize it in the moment.

What we see, like or hate, in another is what we are being reflected back to us. Every person, every moment, every circumstance is your teacher. Stop blaming, excusing, whining and complaining and  you can learn something wonderful about yourself. You can transform.

If you focus on what to transform instead of blaming the mirror or making excuses an entire new positive world opens up to you. When you stop judging outside yourself, and when you stop judging yourself, you become free. Stop blaming the mirror for what you see!

End Blaming – Excusing – Complaining – Judging – Become Free

Simply, realize in the moment, that the heat you feel, the anger, the resistance, the push back, the sadness, the fear, whatever it is in the moment, is a loud alert signal, to stop, and let go. Stop pushing back. Release. This isn’t about the other person so don’t think it is.

It isn’t about whether they are right or wrong, it is about turning the flashlight on yourself so you can see what has been keeping you bound. You need to recognize what is holding you captive and drop it. You can end suffering instantly, when you release all of it.

Be thankful for all people. Be thankful for all circumstances. Be thankful for all challenges. It is through these you grow. You recognize what the issues are for you and can put an end to them through awareness and acceptance. When you become grateful for all you transcend all of it. So celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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