“How do I easily change? How do I get the biggest bang for least effort? People email me this, ask me in person. or by other means, almost daily and have for close to 40 years. How do I change myself and my life? They want to know. Do you? Would you like to change?
The easiest, most profound, long-lasting, and quickest way to transform yourself and transcend your circumstances is to find at least 25 things you are grateful each day. Write them down.
Think about them and feel the gratitude you feel. Write them down before you go to sleep. Make a list, focus on these and enjoy them. Yes, count your blessings. Focus on each person, place, thing, activity or whatever it is you appreciate and feel thanksgiving.
Ambition Is The First Step To Success – Action Is The Second
Accentuate it. Enhance it. Really enjoy feeling grateful. Savor it. The feelings of gratitude make the difference. If at first you don’t feel it, or have difficulty coming up with things it only means you haven’t done it much before. It is not yet a supportive habit.
As you do it will find other positive things come into your mind. You know the saying ‘Seek and you shall find.’ You will begin to feel it more and more as you do it. It works! BUT the only way you will know if it works is if you do it repeatedly, consistently, long enough.
I’ve suggested this to people in my seminars and workshops and writings for over 30 years and almost without fail many have said at first , ‘WHAT 25 things?’ They seem to think this is impossible. They soon discover it isn’t impossible at all. They soon start feeling it!
What We Want To Do With Ease We First Must Do With Diligence
After a few days during my training programs participants would come to me and ask, ‘can we write more if we think of them?’ OF COURSE YOU CAN. That is the point! Express your gratitude. That is the point. Don’t make it homework Enjoy the process.
Some days you will be grateful for the same things as yesterday. Other days new one’s will pop into your head. Whatever you come up with that you are thankful for put it down on your list. Your capacity to discover and enjoy increases with exercise.
Your attention and ability to focus improve and increase as you use them. Once you begin looking you will find much more. What seems ‘too many ‘ at first becomes a small amount shortly because you open up to finding good things and wonderful things.
Drop By Drop The Tub Fills – What You Focus On Expands
Just like my students you can do more than ‘just 25’! Enjoy this, because I know you will! As you find more to appreciate you begin to feel better and your life begins to change. Something so simple can have great power. It is amazing! Wouldn’t you like to experience more of this for yourself?
It is one thing to read about it or be told about it. It is quite another thing to do it. You can get results that astound you, but only when you actually do what I am describing. More recently some have taken a 100 day challenge to find things to express gratitude for.
This is marvelous. When you engage in an activity over and over through time you begin to develop habit. This is especially valuable WHEN you do this TO develop a positive habit for yourself. 100 days of emphasizing gratitude is a fantastic start.
Attitude Is The Little Thing That Makes A Great Difference
Start today! Before you go to sleep make a list, it doesn’t matter what is on it, the only thing that matters is that you feel thankful for it. Large or small write it down.
Find at least 25 things you feel grateful for. Reflect on these and then go to sleep. Do it again tomorrow and the next day and the day and after that. Yes, you can continue for more than 100 days, because I know you are going to want to.
Gratitude fixes the head and the heart. A positive, mindset and attitude combined with wonderful, sumptuous feelings is the key. When you consider everything a blessing it all becomes a blessing. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx
” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
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