“Many of us were and are still taught that to improve we need to focus on our weaknesses. We were told by parents, teachers, or mentors that by identifying where we fall short and working tirelessly to overcome those areas, we could become better versions of ourselves. This idea has been ingrained in us, but what if this approach is fundamentally flawed? Think about it. What if you could be brilliant at something else?
My message: Stop focusing on your weaknesses. Instead, develop your strengths! This isn’t just motivational advice, it’s a roadmap to achieving greater satisfaction, confidence, and success. Why is focusing on weakness ineffective? Imagine you are bad at public speaking. It’s something that makes you uncomfortable, and every time you try, it feels like a struggle. Conventional wisdom says to keep practicing.
Spend hours on it until you improve. But here’s the question: How long will it take before you go from poor to mediocre? In the meantime, all your natural talents, what you’re already good at, are being neglected. You’re putting energy into something that isn’t your strength, and your progress is slow. While it’s important to develop basic skills, devoting your energy to areas where you have no passion isn’t worth it.
Doing so can diminish your confidence and lead to burnout. Realize, however, what I wrote. I said if you have no passion. If you are only doing it because you think you should but have no actual desire to do it, the likelihood you follow through is slim. What you focus on expands. If you focus on what you lack, you only see more limitations. But if you direct your attention to your strengths, those areas where you excel.
By enhancing what you are passionate about you create momentum. The things you’re good at begin to flourish and bring you more success. Developing your strengths gives you the edge. Take Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group. Branson has admitted that he’s not detail-oriented and often struggles with numbers. Instead of dwelling on this. he surrounded himself with people who could handle the finer details of running a business.
Branson focused on his strengths, his vision, creativity, and risk-taking. As a result, he built a multi-billion-dollar empire by leveraging what he was best at and letting others fill in the gaps. Many athletes focus on perfecting the aspects of their game that they’re already good at. Michael Jordan was an incredible scorer and competitor. Instead of spreading himself thin trying to be the best at everything, he focused on honing his scoring ability.
It was this strength that made him legendary. So, imagine now what you could achieve if you applied this principle to your life. What if you spent more time on what you’re already good at and took it to the next level? What if you focused on your natural abilities and fine-tuned them until they became world-class? Therse’s a confidence that comes from strength. When you focus on your strengths, something remarkable happens.
You become more confident. Confidence is a product of success, not the other way around. The more you win, the more confident you feel. And the best way to win is by leveraging what you’re naturally good at. Get it. Winners, win. That’s what they get good at. Confidence comes from knowing your strengths and using them to your advantage. Focus on your strengths. You set yourself up for continuous wins.
You build more self-assurance with every success. Consider someone who excels at problem-solving but struggles with presenting their ideas to others. Rather than fixating on their weakness, they can double down on their problem-solving skills, becoming so proficient that others seek them out for solutions. As their reputation grows, they’ll naturally gain more confidence, and that confidence will extend to other areas, including public speaking.
Again, if you spend all your time focusing on your weaknesses, you’re likely to end up frustrated and unmotivated. But when you focus on your strengths, you set yourself up for continuous winning and build your self-assurance with every success. Develop your strengths. Focusing on your strengths isn’t about ignoring your weaknesses. Instead, it’s about putting most of your energy into areas where you naturally excel.
Do that while managing your weaknesses in ways that don’t drain you. If you’re not good with numbers, hire a good accountant. If you’re uncomfortable with technology, collaborate with someone who thrives in that space. By working on your strengths, you can achieve exceptional levels of success, creativity, and satisfaction. You’re able to soar where you might have otherwise only limped along.
“It is wiser to start at the top and go higher than to begin at the bottom and work your way up to the middle. “When you start with what you’re already good at, the sky’s the limit. One of my students, Sally, was a graphic designer with an incredible eye for aesthetics but struggled with client management and budgeting. For years, she worked hard to get better at balancing accounts, scheduling, and managing complex client relationships. The result? She was mediocre at best in those areas. She was close to burnout.
The frustration of constantly trying to improve her weaknesses led her to nearly quit the profession she loved. We worked together and she decided to take a different approach. She hired a project manager to handle client communications and budget tracking, freeing her to focus solely on her design work. As she shifted her energy to refining her already exceptional design skills, her work quality improved dramatically.
Sally started winning high-profile clients, and with her enhanced focus on design, her portfolio grew. By focusing on her strengths and letting others handle her weak points, She tripled her income in less than two years. She also felt more creative and fulfilled, finding joy again in her work. When Jake came to me he was a talented software engineer, highly skilled in writing code, but he felt socially awkward during meetings.
For a long time, Jake focused on improving his communication skills, attending workshops, and practicing presentations. But the improvements were marginal, and every failed meeting seemed to crush his spirit a little more. Through our work together Jake started playing to his strengths. He communicated his ideas through written reports and demonstrations of his code, letting his work speak for itself.
His problem-solving abilities were so strong that he started to get recognized for his technical skills rather than his public speaking. Eventually, management assigned him a partner who excelled at presentations, allowing him to focus on his coding genius. By shifting his energy to his strengths, Jake not only advanced in his career but also regained his confidence. Get this. Develop your strengths. Win. Then you’ll have time for the other. Prioritize!
Here’s a practical exercise to help you identify and develop your strengths:
- Make a List of Your Strengths: Sit down and think about the activities that come naturally to you. These are often the things you enjoy doing and feel excited about. Feel the good feels as you discover these.
- Reflect on Your Wins: Think about the times in your life when you’ve felt the most successful. What strengths were you using in those moments? Take time to savor these feelings! Write them down.
- Focus on Development: Pick one or two key strengths and make a commitment to developing them further. For example, if you’re good at writing, how can you become a better writer? Can you take a course or dedicate more time to practicing?
- Delegate Weaknesses: Identify areas where you struggle and think about how you can minimize or delegate these tasks. Is there someone else who can handle them better, allowing you to focus on your strengths? There are plenty of things I am not good at and should not be doing. Spend your time wisely.
- Celebrate Your Wins: As you develop your strengths, celebrate each small win. Feel these feelings. Savor then. Celebrate. This builds confidence and momentum, making it easier to stay motivated and focused.
Stop wasting time trying to fix what you’re not good at. Focus on what you are great at and make it even better. Your strengths are where your potential is and by developing them, you can reach new levels of success and satisfaction in your life. The world rewards expertise, not mediocrity. So why spend your time becoming “okay” at something when you could be excelling at what you’re already naturally good at?
Remember, what you focus on expands. So, focus on your best. Develop your strengths. Create a life that truly reflects your unique abilities and passions. Understand you are one-of-a-kind. You are a gift to the world. Develop your talents and abilities to let your gift get known. Outsource what you aren’t so good at, so you can further develop your talents and abilities. Make the most of what you got by excelling at it and you and others will benefit. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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“Rex’s profound expertise in personal development and his deep understanding of human dynamics make him a standout in both public and corporate settings. Rex is not only a dedicated professional but also a compassionate mentor and a very kind friend.” —Laura Ibarra, LDG, MBA CEO 3 Wins, Torreon, Mexico
“His deep and nuanced understanding of how the mind processes information and how real transformation is accomplished is beyond words. I was privileged to invest 10 hours a day for three weeks with him over 25 years ago. That information has infused the next few decades of decision-making and career success. He is a total gem in the world of teachers and trainers. My internal dialogue, my ability to manage my states, and my ability to train and coach students were forever improved. – Bart Baggett, Speaker, Author, Forensic Document Examiner, L.A. CA
“Rex is an incredible coach, author, speaker, and world-renowned. I use his book weekly and highly recommend it. If you are looking for a master coach and NLP top-notch instructor, Rex is your guy.” —Kamal el-Rassi, MBA, CEO El-Rassi Enterprise, Cincinnati, OH
“Rex possesses a remarkable ability to engage and captivate an audience, drawing on his deep well of knowledge and expertise to deliver transformative experiences. His brilliance lies in his unique capacity to extract core issues from complex situations and address them in ways that are understandable and actionable. Rex’s sessions are a masterclass in empowerment; he guides his audience through their challenges with empathy and insight, helping them achieve the breakthroughs they’ve long sought.” —Carlos Siqueira, CEO Disruptors LLC, San Francisco
“What truly sets Rex apart is his unrivaled knowledge on personal development. He possesses a wealth of insights and strategies that will blow you away. Rex’s teaching style is powerful, effective, and unique. He has a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them easy to understand and, most importantly, actionable. Spending time with Rex is an investment well worth making. Not only will you gain invaluable wisdom and guidance, but you’ll also witness the profound impact it has on your life. Rex’s teachings have the potential to transform your mindset, unlock your potential, and propel you towards unparalleled success.” Rita Montalto, CEO 4 Pillars of Wealth, AU

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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