“During troubling times do you err on the side of health for all or for liberty for all? Which at what time makes more sense and does the greatest good? If you are inconvenienced temporarily you can handle it. I don’t mind taking measures for the greater good.
I want to help my fellow humans, don’t you? However, it is true things do erode if we aren’t vigilant. One small chisel chip, bit by bit, brings down mountains. Yes, the saddest part of what’s going on is we don’t know, and we don’t know whom to trust.
Because those who ask us to trust them are so frequently not trustworthy. Do you listen to your government, the doctors, the reporters? People blame each other for fake news and it is tough to get reliable information, There are difficult times and decisions.
When The Going Gets Tough The Tough Get Going
There are always challenges worldwide from the elements, the people, governments, financial institutions and from whatever. How you go through these times depends on your perception and attitude. If you think it is tough it will be. You determine what is.
You determine how you will go through it. You’ll either go through it as a champion and be victorious whatever that means OR you’ll go through it as a victim and end up accepting whatever comes your way. Each of us decides and determines how we will make it.
If you are worried and fear, doubtful or depressed that makes a difference as does if you are confident, called and assured you are resourceful to handle anything that life throughs at you. The kite rises highest against the wind. Adversity provides opportunities.
If It’s To Be It’s Up To Me – You Always Decide How You Do It
To discover the opportunity you must be aware and seek them out. They can be hidden. AND perhaps it is actually good in spite of what people are calling bad. Maybe it means we wake up. WE stop sleeping and stop taking things for granted. It starts with awareness.
Perhaps we become more actively involved in our present and our future. We decide how we will go through it and what we want to create in spite of what is handed to us. Perhaps, we get more involved in making our governments work. We make a difference.
We act. Instead of being sheep we become shepherds. We become leaders instead of following blindly. We understand we are all in it together and we must care for each other. Liberty is one thing but if we lose our lives we also lose our liberty. Get it. It is true!
If You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t You Are Right
Perhaps, the ultimate good is we no longer take so much for granted but endeavor to keep the freedoms we have while being smart and keeping each other safe. It used to be said my freedom to swing my arm ends prior to the tip of your nose. We are one species.
Let’s take care of us. I don’t know what the ‘truth’ is and have previously said this could be a conspiracy to control us all. It could be a money power grab and a thin the herd plan. It could be.
It could be a real health threat. Since health and lives may be at stake I am willing to err on the side of caution. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong. But I know this you can imprison my body but not my mind. I may not like being imprisoned but I decide how to go through it.
What You Focus On Expand – You Get What You Focus On
Someone I knew said of Christopher Reeve when he became paralyzed. She said, ‘while he is a great man he is not a hero for becoming paralyzed. He has a choice how he goes through it but not about being paralyzed. Paralysis is his reality nothing heroic about it.
His wife, on the other hand IS the hero for deciding to remain with him, love him and care for him. ‘She COULD choose to leave but chose to remain. She decided how her future will play out. Her attitude makes all the difference. Her decision means everything.
When we share opinions and advice that we don’t know if they are accurate. When we repeat misinformation we may cause greater harm. This should be carefully avoided. Calls to be alert and vigilant should always be welcome. We need to be aware!
You Are One Decision Away From Success – Choose Wisely
I prefer to wait and see rather than agitating people who might harm themselves or others. I avoid as best as possible when weighing whether it is actually about life and death or liberty to travel about. dead people remain dead. Freedoms may be lost but gained back!
We’ve fought for liberty many times. We can do it again another day. Our economy may crumble and it can be revived. Economies and cultures can come and go. People, species and members of species do not. Take care of yourself. Live and love.
Decide to be resourceful and practice social distancing to keep self and others safe. Decide how you want to go through this. I hope you choose to be a champion and a victor because you can. It all depends on what you chose to focus on. I am here if you want help. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
You don’t have to do this alone. I am here to help you. Join me.
PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!
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“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
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Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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