“What happens to most of us when we get a cold or flu? We get symptoms, body aches and pains. It can be an uncomfortable time. Bottom line, we hurt. What actually is happening during this time is our body is fighting the infection, working to heal.
My household got sick. It is plenty tough for each person. I noticed something I have noticed each time I have been ill in my life. Our thoughts, mine sure did, focus on what is wrong. We pay attention to what isn’t right. It is certainly natural because it is not the norm.
For many of us, we not only focus on what is wrong but we talk about it. When asked, we tell others we don’t feel good. Some people can get very descriptive. This only focuses attention on it all the more. Again, we become aware of what feels different from normal.
Let Go Of Negativity – Focus On The Good – What’s Not Wrong
It isn’t wrong. Get that out of your head if you are thinking that. Pain is a signal the body needs to, or is, attending to some things. So, if you find your thoughts going to ‘woe is me’ don’t feel bad or guilty about it. However, I’d like to point something out.
For the most part, a cold or flu is over within a few weeks. Ultimately, you will feel better soon. Some strains, nowadays seem to endure much longer but the bottom line is you will get well. You are in the process of getting well while you are suffering. This is important.
I noticed my thoughts tend to go to what is wrong too. This time, each time, I noticed that occurring I shifted to what feels good or right. What I can do as opposed to what is wrong or what I can’t do. I emphasize the things I can do and am grateful for. It works, too!
What You Say Is What You Get – Affirm What You Want
I can breathe. I can sit. I can move. I can speak. I can think. I can see. I can hear. I can feel. I can sleep. I can eat. I am alive. I can plan. I am able to rest. I can read. I can watch movies. I can listen to audios. There is so much I am so lucky I can do each day. I am blessed now!
It does work wonders. I am not saying I have no discomfort, but it is an important learning point we can all benefit from. Many things in life can be wrong or uncomfortable. We can, and do, have challenges each day. These draw our attention away from normal.
If we focus on them, they don’t get any better. If we focus on how and why our relationship is broken, how lonely we are, how much debt we have, how much we aren’t where we should be, how we aren’t enough or undeserving, or how much life sucks, guess what?
When You Focus On The Good – The Good Gets Better
We continue to perpetuate it. Ultimately, it might get better. Things usually do in time but we keep it going with what and how we think about it. It is natural, it is painful. Our attention is drawn to it, just like when we get ill. Perhaps, similarly, it is a way for us to heal.
Perhaps, the challenges, the disappointments, and the less than glorious feelings are there because within we are attempting to heal, to correct, to get over these and move forward, but our thoughts keep us locked in, at least temporarily, but it seems as if forever.
What we focus on we get more of. Illness is a prime time to learn to shift focus. I am not saying it is easy at first. As with any skill you get good at eventually, it takes practice and conditioning. Still, it is an opportunity to learn to grow and make things better for oneself.
Focus On The Good – Let Go Of The Bad – Life Is Too Short Not To
Gratitude works wonders in all cases. That shift of focus can be miraculous. When challenged look for the positive, the good, that which you are able to do, feel grateful for and enjoy. Emphasize these as much as possible. As within, so without. Focus.
It makes a difference for ourselves in our personal experience. I believe it can also make a difference in our social, political, economic areas as well. If we can draw our attention to what feels good, and is working, we can better find solutions. We can help changes occur.
Exercise: Find all that is right, and good, in the photo at the top. Meanwhile, drink plenty of water. When ill, stay hydrated. It is also a great time to get rest. It is a break in normal activities. If you can appreciate that too, you are further ahead. Appreciate anything and everything you can. It works wonders. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Delight in this day!
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.
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