“Times can be difficult. You or your family may endure hardship. Your neighborhood or city may be going though troubled times. Your country or the world. It can be environmental, financial, societal, or political. There are all manner of challenges and obstacles. It is true.
Whatever your burden; whatever your political persuasion; whatever your religious persuasion; whatever you fears and concerns for the moment are, keep this in mind; THIS TOO will pass! Perhaps, not as quickly or in the manner you want, but it will.
Be patient, stay clam, fight the good fight civilly (in other words don’t give up because times may be tough) and allow for yourself to be pleasantly surprise. Don’t rain on other people’s parade to save your own. Help each other all be better off. Work as a team to improve.
Just Breathe – Have Faith Everything Will Work Out For The Best
If disappointed, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue to persevere. Always remember the pendulum swings both ways. Time is the great leveler and the great healer. Optimism and hope and love and peace are better than negativity, fear, hate and war. Forgive.
Build something better. Don’t lose hope. Keep the faith. Nothing lasts forever. The kite rises highest against the wind. Our challenges, obstacles and problems teach us lessons if we are open. They make us better and stronger. We develop muscle and strength. We win!
If we stop worrying and learn from these tough lessons we will be able to accomplish more of what we want in the future. Live and let live. Learn and grow. Laugh off the difficulties and be larger than the problems facing you! Keep the faith! A better day truly is ahead!
Let Go A Little And Just Let Life Happen – Relax And Have Faith
Focus on the good you want to bring about. Stop concentrating on what is wrong. Look at the solutions and work to make those happen. Appreciate what you already have right now. Never give in or lose faith. Focus on reason to be grateful and glad. Persevere.
Positive thinking IS NOT thinking ‘there are no weeds, there are no weeds.’ It is the systematic application of strong productive thoughts to resolve any difficulty and move ahead. Think the best so you feel the best. You are more resourceful at the top of your game.
This is why you want to learn to manage your thoughts and feelings You want to have control of your thinking, your mind, any time, but especially in tough times. In order to be able to do that you need to practice and practice to build the skill. Make it a habit. Only you can.
If Things Haven’t Worked Out Yet – It Is Not Yet The End
Then when the going is tough you are prepared. Without opposition you don’t grow strong. Welcome difficulty for how it can make you a better person if you learn while going through it. Practice gratitude and positive thinking. Focus on the good. Focus on all you can appreciate. It makes a real difference when you celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Have a marvelous day!
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.
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