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“Are their times when you feel down and out? Would you like to learn how to feel better almost instantly? Did you know that there is something you can do that will help you shift your mindset? Yep! By changing your awareness and focus you can change your mood.

Many years ago during a reflective, meditative time, I realize my feet had carried me for 24 years without my ever thanking them. I immediately began to appreciate how they had carried me through life, through good and bad times, when they were well or injured.

Silly me. Right? I had missed out. How could I have gone so long without acknowledging them. But, I had. I began to list, one after the other,  how my toes had worked together. My soles of the feet. The muscles, bones, joints and cartilage. My skin. Each and everything!

When I Started Counting My Blessings My Life Turned Around

The flood gates soon opened and I was thanking each and every part of me I could think of and name, inside and out. The more I thanked the more incredible I felt. It is a great place to begin feeling better. It is a great place to get in touch with what is important. Embrace it.

Discover how blessed you are. Do it! Become thankful. Make a list. Do it each and everyday. Whenever and where ever you can. Think it, speak it, enjoy it. Feel it! Let the feelings of appreciation rise up in you. It will positively change how you feel for the better.Delight in all of it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Have an wonderful day!

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Photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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