I saw a comment by someone on social media yesterday stating ‘thoughts don’t do anything’. My thought for that person was, I hope it is true for him simply because he believes it. Science, philosophies, religious and everyday experience proves otherwise. Eons of investigation and commentary suggest that our thoughts have more power than most people realize. In fact, most people seem to miss this point altogether and never come to enjoy the incredible benefits of better thinking.
For many people life is merely okay. It is a mix of good and not so good, sometimes bad. For a lot of people it is a struggle. The reason seems to be that only a few people truly understand the power of thinking well. I have pointed out again and again that we become what we think about. Not my original idea at all, I co-opted it from Earl Nightengale but when I adopted that statement as an operating principle for my life everything began to change for the better.
We need to be mindful of our thoughts because our thoughts do have much more power than we realize. The reason people get so many mixed results, or merely an okay life experience is because instead of managing their thoughts their thoughts manage them.
Like a cork bobbing on the water drifts wherever the current takes it most people react to life situations similarly. For them, life is whatever comes along. When bad things happen or might happen they think about what they don’t like and don’t want. They obsess about what is wrong instead of obsessing about what is right.

So if it is accurate that you get or become what you predominantly think about or hold in your head then mixed results come from not having any predominant thought. Poor results come from focusing on what is wrong, what they don’t have or what bad event is going to possibly occur in the future.
When life is a problem or less than you hope it to be, then the glass is either half filled with whatever, or it is certainly more filled with negative thinking than with positive thinking. It is common sense frankly! If you want a most wonderful life then the majority of your experience, your thoughts, feelings and actions must be wonderful. The bulk of your time must be spent thinking about what is fabulous, what you are grateful for, what you can accomplish and so on. The majority of your thinking must be positive!
If you obsessively fear that your relationship is falling apart you are increasing the likelihood that it will. Why? because you are not focused on the reasons you are together. You are not spending your time or your thoughts loving and enjoying each other. You are focused on what is wrong and what will go wrong in the future. You aren’t focused on the ties that bind you.
If you are consumed with the notion that you might get fired or lose your job you are increasing the likelihood of getting fired. The more energy you give the problem the more likely you continue or advance the problem. You do not diminish it by obsessively thinking about it.

If you are thinking negative thoughts about anything the more energy you put into it the more you get the results you fear. This is true about your love and family life, your career and job, your relations with friends and strangers, your health, wealth and well-being. NO one ever gets healthy thinking how sick they are.
It has been said that, “Worry is negative goal setting” and I think that is a profound statement. We bring about whatever we think about! Like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together. What we focus on we become! Why plan for disaster? Stop it! Plan to make it better!
People who experience anxiety, anger issues, and depression have learned to put their mind in certain directions more than in another direction. It isn’t their fault but they have learned how to do this for whatever reasons. Most all of us have learned to do this to varying degrees. All of us can learn to put our minds in more productive directions using the approaches, I’ve been describing all along, in this blog.
Your thoughts and feelings create your life. They create your reality. Energy begets energy just as priming the pump brings the well water. What begins as a trickle can become a mighty flow. This is true about negative thinking and it is true about positive thinking. Choose which flow you want.

Why are so many people negative? Who knows for certain? It may be that we are raised in an environment where we grow up comparing ourselves to others. Media and messages constantly bombard us with the notion that we are incomplete unless we have a certain product, a certain knowledge, a certain something. We are told what to think, do and say in order to survive. News is always negative because that is what sells. I’m sure there is a boat load of reasons.
So why are so many people negative? I don’t know for sure but I am sure about this; more people need to begin to take responsibility for their own thinking. More people need to understand that change is possible and up to them! People can improve their thinking and their lives incredibly! It is absolutely doable! Anyone can do it! You can!
Others can help. This blog, the books and audios, workshops and seminars, the sciences, philosophies and religions can all assist and point to the positive path. All of these can inspire and motivate. Ultimately, if YOU want change for the future YOU have to change what YOU are doing currently.
YOU have to take charge of your thinking! No one can do it for you. Although, hanging out with positive people can be a great help as you move forward. Spending time with powerfully positive encouraging people is a great thing to do. Find them and spend time with them!

Your thoughts shape and create your reality over time. Like attracts like. The more you worry about something, the more you begin to attract exactly the energy you are worried about! The more you regret, fear, hate, and are angry about things the more you attract the same. What you hold in your head you will hold in your hand. What you think about you bring about!
Do you want to create a happy life? Would you like things to get better and be better? Would you like more joy, self-love, peace, financial freedom, better health, loving relationships, a great home and home-life, things you have always wanted? Do you want to travel, learn some new skill, have an incredible career, meet more people? You can have all these and more! You can create and attract what you want and need BUT you have to do it!! YOU DO!
If you want to create a happier experience then utilize the same principle and begin to think thoughts of love, health, wealth, abundance, peace, joy, and happiness. Think the best about yourself, others, and your circumstances. FInd the hidden gold and opportunity in all challenges. Think solutions and what you can do. Focus on what you want NOT on what you don’t want.
WHEN you do this consistently you will begin getting good results, Instead of ending up with exactly what you don’t want you begin to get what you DO want! It is all up to you and what you do daily.

You have the power to create a life of negativity, lack and worry, if you continue to think and obsess about negative events and people. You also have the power and the ability and all the tools needed to make your life experience something truly wonderful.
While, it sounds trite to say it the fact of the matter is your life will become exactly what you think it will be. You will become what you predominantly think about most during the day. What you think about you bring about.
You CAN fill your life with love, gratitude, appreciation, respect, integrity, joy, peace, blessings, wealth, health, and incredible well-being by staying focused on all the wonderful good things! Manage your thoughts! You have a choice. Choose wisely!” Rex Sikes
Do something amazing for yourself and others today!
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