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forgive yourself for not knowing

“Times can be tough. Disappointments occur. Past and present. It is AS it is and it is WHAT it is. Sometimes there is a tendency for people to get down on themselves. You shouldn’t. Whatever happened WHEN it happened you did the best you could with the tools and knowledge that you had at THAT time. The decisions you made, the actions you took, the feelings you felt, the thoughts you thought all were what you had AVAILABLE to you at that time.

Regardless of the outcome recognize that none of us are perfect. None! We act from who we are at the moment. We may have done things we didn’t like.  We may have hurt others. If we can repair the damage or if an apology and a promise to never repeat is in order then that is the responsible thing to do. Do it!

Make it a point to walk well on this earth and not hurt people. That includes yourself. Give others a break AND give yourself a break. Ease up and take the pressure off. Relax.

what u put out u get back

Realize the opportunity you have is to LEARN from the incident, to learn from the mistakes, to learn from the past and then move on. Leave what is unimportant behind and move forward with new positive awareness. Drop the crap and keep the gold! So few people do this. They carry crap with them wherever they go. Drop it!

You may have been pressuring yourself.  If so, the possibility exists that you also pressure others. Maybe not, but it is a possibility. SO be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself kindly. Accept that you are human and learning as you go along. Even today you are doing the best you can with the tools, the insights, the beliefs you have and hold.

Every moment is a moment for the possibility of higher awareness, of joy of love of peace and blessings. Each second is available for us to enjoy. Each second is an opportunity to explore and discover. Mistakes are the way we get feedback and learn to self correct. Everything is an opportunity when you expect it to be one!

acting according to own consciousness

So treat yourself well. If you did wrong don’t make excuses make amends.  Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Accept yourself as someone capable of making mistakes. Learn from your mistakes. Accept them as part of learning and growing. Be tolerant, patient of yourself. Respect yourself. Embrace and celebrate yourself. Nurture yourself. Be a friend to yourself! Appreciate your self and all the learning you are discovering through each of life’s experiences.

When you are able to love yourself you can also love others. Treat them as you would want to be treated. That is the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule has implied in it that YOU do it FIRST. You don’t wait to receive it you give it freely first. This you can do. Give love to yourself and give love to others first. You’ll surprise yourself with how awesome life can be.” Rex Sikes

In how many different ways can you delight in today?

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