“What mindset makes a winner? How does your self talk influence you? Do you monitor and make certain it is positive? Is it helpful 80% of the time or is it 80% less than glorious or unhelpful? These are important, critical, considerations.
We have been discussing Edwin C. Barnes, in previous posts, and what was his mindset and self-talk were like? Napoleon Hill uses Barnes’ story as an example, in chapters 1 and 2, of Think and Grow Rich. He states Barnes traveled to New Jersey confident and positive; he knew inside he would eventually partner with Edison.
‘When he went to Orange, he did not say to himself, ‘I will try to induce Edison to give me a job of some sort.’ He said, ‘I will see Edison and put him on notice that I have come to go into business with him.’ He did not say, ‘I will work there for a few months and if I get no encouragement, I will quit and get a job somewhere else.’
He Knew Inside
Remember, Hill said he may have looked like a tramp but his thoughts we those of a king. Further, he said, that while Barnes aim may have begun as a wish he turned it into his dominant chief aim. He made it a burning desire and had complete faith himself to accomplish the outcome he sought. Barnes left himself no other options.
Hill continued, ‘He did say, ‘I will start anywhere. I will do anything Edison tells me to do, but before I am through, I will be his associate.’ He did not say, ‘I will keep my eyes open for another opportunity in case I fail to get what I want in the Edison organization.’ (He wasn’t trying it out to see ‘if it might work,’ Barnes would make it work!)
‘He said, ‘There is but ONE thing in this world that I am determined to have, and that is a business association with Thomas A. Edison. I will burn all bridges behind me and stake my ENTIRE FUTURE on my ability to get what I want.’ (There was only one thing he wanted!! He burned all his bridges. There was no escape route; no plan B.)
I Will Start Anywhere I Will Do Anything
‘He left himself no possible way of retreat. He had to win or perish! That is all there is to the Barnes story of success.’ I love this, he had to win or perish! Hill closes the discussion with, ‘that is all there is to Barnes story of success.’ It is that simple and that extraordinary!
Napoleon Hill points it all out for us in the very beginnings of his book. He says he was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to study and model 500 of the most successful business men of the day, He was to release his findings as a practical, teachable, formula and philosophy anyone else could apply to succeed. He spent 20 years.
His first book ‘Laws Of Success’ was based on the principles he uncovered. Later, he released, ‘Think and Grow Rich’. In both, he succinctly present the information and says, make a study of this and do these things. ACTUALLY do them, practice them, day and night, don’t just read about them, and you will be successful.
His Thoughts Were Those Of A King
You can be, do and have anything you desire when you apply these principles. A strong claim backed up by the fact that more millionaires have been made by reading Think And Grow Rich, and putting his methods to work than apparently in any other ways. HIs methods have stood the test of time. Would you like to be one too?
If you answered yes, then do what he says. Study the works. Make it your ambition. Then do what he outlines. Look at Barnes, do what he did. After all Hill says, ‘…that is all there is to Barnes success.’ You should read and study the rest of the book to learn how Barnes got to that point. BUT you must implement the practice, not just read!
Still, I will simplify much of it right now. You can’t be a wimp you must be deliberate about what you intend to make happen. You can’t be half assed you must be all in. You can’t call the shots you must begin wherever you are and take advantage of any opening opportunity that presents itself. You must know what you want.
You must continue in the absence of evidence to intensify what you want and know that if you stay with it, and not quit but persist, you will make it happen. Hill goes on to add some very important things. You must have a pleasing personality so people want to help you. You must attract others with your mindset and actions.
I Will Stake My Entire Future On My Ability To Get What I Want
You must add value and go the extra mile to those you work for and with. You should be the first in and the last out and demonstrate your worth to all concerned. You must believe in yourself and make whatever adjustments are necessary all along the way to the win. You must be ultra-confident but humble too.
Always keep your goal in sight. Visualize it, as if you already have it. Affirm it with your speech. Remain positive inside and out. Do these things and you too will succeed. It does require effort. That is why not everyone who begins continues the journey to the end. If you are committed, and are ‘all in’ you will. Journey and complete it!
You will make you dreams reality when you do these things whole-heartedly and fully. When you are completely committed there will be no stopping you. Just make sure you aren’t doing anyone else any harm in pursuing your goals. When everyone wins and benefits you are assured to win and benefit. Commit! Start making your dreams come true today!” Rex Sikes
Today is yours!
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.
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