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horizons in-the-still-of-dawn-phil-koch

“Who, among my readers, wants a better life? Who hopes for and desires positive change? Do you wish for more money, better health, improved relationships, far away travel, more fun and enjoyment? What is it you dream about?

Do you know what keeps you from having that right now? Wishing and wanting and hoping and dreaming. All nice but all keep it away.Those who wish rarely win. Those who get what they want are CLEAR about what they want. They SEE it as an absolute in their mind.

The difference between one who gets what they want and one who doesn’t is this; the one who gets what they want thinks, says, and declares, ‘I AM going to make this happen’. They speak with authority because they are certain. They command themselves to do it! Everything they think and say to supports their conclusion.

It is never a wish!  It is an accomplishment. It is not something they want and hope will happen, that somehow they will attract it. Nope! They know if they want it they MUST make it happen. They align their inner resources and efforts to bring it into being. They are congruent and completely DEDICATED.

The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It

They may also attract others, events and circumstances but they initiate. They don’t wait, they are PROACTIVE. They may not even know how they will do it yet, they just know that they will make it happen. Hoping won’t do it. They PLAN their success route and take it.

YOU have to DECIDE to do it and let nothing stop you. DECLARE it! COMMAND it! YOU make it happen. YOU marshall all of YOUR resources to bring it into being. That is what any king or emperor does. They say, ‘I want a monument. Put the slaves to work’.

Your slaves are your inner resources, your thoughts, abilities, skills and talents. You MAKE it happen by thoughts, your feelings and your actions. These should work together for you. Mindset, attitude, is the cutting edge that separates those who ultimately have from those who don’t.

Your servants are your BURNING DESIRE. Your passion that you must achieve this. Your FAITH. Your unwavering absolute belief in yourself and your expectation of accomplishment. You KNOW you will make it happen. Your ACTION. You take whatever positive actions you must take to bring about your positive good.

If It Is Important To You –  Find A Way To Make It Happen

PERSISTENCE. You never stop. You keep believing in yourself.  You keep doing until you accomplish. FLEXIBILITY, you are able to adjust and adapt. If something isn’t working you change your plan but never you definite chief purpose. This is how you get what you want.

This is what separates the champion from those who are not. These characteristics are the characteristics of an emperor. MINDSET is what separates those who get, and who have, from those who do not. It is never a question of IF you will achieve it, but WHEN you make it happen.

ATTITUDE gives you the edge. Attitude is everything! Develop the mindset of the emperor and the champion. DETERMINE WHAT YOU WANT (what is good for you and will not harm anyone else) and MAKE it happen.

You can be, do and have whatever you want. It is up to you. DECIDE NOW that you can and that you will make it happen AND YOU WILL! ‘What you can conceive and believe you can achieve!’ DO IT! Make all your dreams come true!” Rex Sikes

Have a beautiful day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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