“Things happen. Shit happens, or at least things happen that we don’t want. Perhaps, they are all good, we just don’t think so. That is a possibility. BUT, let’s assume bad things happen. How do you get the upper hand and make things better? Do you want to know?
Two choices: You are a victim of circumstance and feel that things happen to you. Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes not. OR you are the victor. You determine what happens. You learn and benefit from everything. Challenges present opportunities. Even bad is good.
If you play the victim role your choices are limited. Whether or not you are actually responsible, if you act as if you are, you have more choices available to you, as a victor. That is an important distinction between a winning mindset and one that is not.
If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right
Apart from that, let’s say no, you have no responsibility for life’s obstacles, but you either react as you always have from conditioned responses, or you learn how to respond differently and more resourcefully. Either you’re a habitual robot or you’re a chooser!
This is a potential choice you have. Whether you are able to see this or not, whether you are ready to choose or not is part of where you are in life’s journey. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make the horse drink. When ready you can. If not, you won’t.
It is our choice whether we make the choice or not. How we view and interact with the world is due mostly, if not all, to the mental maps we have in our head. If we view the world as a friendly place or not. Whether we think we are resourceful or not. It’s our maps.
What You Think And Talk About Most You Bring About
Whether things happen to us or whether they are partly, or all, our creation is due to what we think it is. More and more we are learning how much we actually create our reality. AND EVEN IF WE DIDN’T or DON’T how we respond or react is the important factor! Get it?
If you want to respond better and have a better life THERE ARE important things you can do and believe that make an incredible difference. You need to learn how to manage your mindset and make your life wonderful. This is a choice you have right now you can make! Stop delaying and start acting positively in your own behalf. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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