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“People work hard to get ahead. Do you? They are very busy but less than productive. Their actions aren’t helping resolve difficulty or further their positive cause. Too often their actions are the very thing that inhibit success. If you aren’t succeeding yet, consider this.

Right action means inspired action. Not action for the sake of doing. When things go awry many people try to solve the problem and figure out what to do. Stop! Figure out what to be, instead. Manage your mindset and your feelings. Be the change you want to occur.

Inspired action means you are acting to receive, not acting to fix. You aren’t trying to make something happen or something different, you are acting to receive, to allow. You are acting from faith. You believe it is coming to you, resolving itself, and you allow it.

Hope And Confidence Lead To Success – Believe And Receive

You get out of the way. When successful people say ‘I never work’ they mean they enjoy what they are doing so much they don’t consider it work. They love doing what they do. That attitude, those feelings, bring about further success. They are having fun. Get it?

They aren’t fretting, they are flowing! When you feel in flow you are taking inspired action. You are allowing all to come to you and you are celebrating and having fun. You are thinking positive and feeling positive. All is good. All is delightful. Get it? Learn to let go and enjoy.

In flow everything feels effortless. You are moving with the current not against it. You go where it takes you. You move intuitively not intellectually. You aren’t trying to figure out what to do next you are allowing your inner wisdom to take you there. You follow. You allow.

Trust – Relax – Float – Feel Wonderful – Allow – Expect – Receive

When you are truly grateful for all, you are in the moment. You are in flow. Your thoughts, feelings, words, behaviors or actions are all in alignment. The story you tell is uplifting and positive. Everything is lined up with you getting what you want. There is no discord, no distraction, no fear, worry or doubt. You believe and receive. So celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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