“Remember, all feelings serve to signal us. That means all feelings are a gift. If you have worry, fear, or anger use it as you use dashboard alerts in a vehicle. When a light goes off on the dashboard it alerts you to a potential issue that requires service or repair. It draws your attention to having left a door open, tire pressure down, an oil or engine issue. Thank goodness. It alerts you to address it.
It’s an indicator something needs attention. It’s true about our unwanted feelings. If you feel scared, perhaps there is something that needs to be addressed so you can feel safe. Most people like having good feelings but loathe having ‘bad’ feelings. That’s understandable, but if you understand they are an alert signal, and that IS a gift, then when they occur there’s something you can do. Get it?
You get signaled so you can fix it. How do you fix it? Recognize it. Accept it. Release it. Let it go. Forgive it and yourself. Reframe it and in doing these things you help transform it. You don’t have to dig through all the crap. You don’t have to seek all the bad times out. Whenever something needs addressing you will feel it. You’ll feel it in your gut, your back, neck, shoulders, jaw, ass or elsewhere.
When you feel worried, fearful, stressed, dread, woe, depressed, hateful, hurtful, frustrated, angry, lost you are being signaled so you can release it and transform yourself. You can get free. Your life is meant to be enjoyed, not a struggle. What seems like a struggle, our hardships shape us and if we are wise, help us develop character. We learn to release and let go instead of reacting and lashing out.
Release and let go instead of blaming and shaming yourself. Freed from the issue you can move forward more confidently. Later, something else may come up. Rinse and repeat. Get it. Be grateful these things come up, and that you are signaled so you can get free of them. Past trauma, childhood or earlier wounds don’t need to hold you back when you can release them and transform yourself.
One feeling people encounter is lack, debt or poverty. When they look at their bills due, the money they owe, their bank balance, the money going out instead of coming in and they feel lack, dread, worry, mad, sad or anything else. Those feelings that arise when we encounter lack are important to understand are as much a signal and a gift as all the other feelings at all other times. They’re a gift.
It’s the brain’s way of keeping you safe. You may not know what to do about your bills, but you feel ‘bad’ in order to do something. Whining, complaining, blaming and excusing are learned responses and do assist you in changing your situation. Feeling bad and uncomfortable may help to get you to leave your zone of comfort and to seek positive, legal, legitimate solutions. It’s beginning awareness.
If you didn’t have nerve endings in your fingers and you accidentally put your hand on a hot stove, you might burn your fingers off. In the same fashion, not feeling bad about debt could cause you to lose everything. So, you get an unwanted feeling! It’s so you fix it. BUT you don’t know how. This is where you might research, go to a financial adviser, declare bankruptcy or consolidate your payments.
The first thing you might want to do is get your mindset about money, abundance, lack and debt right. Money is energy. It’s a medium of exchange. The universe is abundant, but some feel an abundance of lack while others feel abundance of money or anything and everything else. Why the difference? Thinking! Our thoughts determine our reactions to experience. There are famous sayings.
‘One man’s meat is another’s poison’ “One person’s ceiling is another’s floor.’ Different people think differently and experience the world differently. The person who experiences prosperity and abundance isn’t thinking lack and poverty thoughts. They may not even think much at all about money because they have plenty, so it never concerns them. Those who don’t have it are concerned.
The poor think more about money than the rich do. NOW, not all rich or poor, but you should get the point. If money is an issue for you, it is an issue for YOU! Not everyone has the same issues. If you are wise, you won’t take money advice from poor relatives and friends. Seek mentors, guides and coaches who live abundantly and model their mindset and actions. Not everyone is a good role model.
Be choosy. If the person was born into money, they may not know much about making money. However, they may have a wonderful mindset when it comes to resourcefulness. Many of the rich expect the money to be there when needed. When the time is right, the right people and circumstances will assemble so they don’t worry about whether they will have it or have enough.
Get this. That is a different mindset from someone broke who says, ‘I don’t know how I am going to pay this or where the money will come from.’ People who are good at creating cashflow and earning money actively and setting up passive opportunities don’t fear losing it. They don’t want to but if they did, they know they can make it again! Why? Because they’ve done it before. It’s a skill.
If you’re good at baking or bike riding you don’t fret about it. You know you can do it. Worrying about it doesn’t arise. Do you understand? How you view or image yourself, your abilities, your worth, your abundance and prosperity matters. If you are consumed with thoughts of lack you must learn to change them to thoughts of abundance. KNOW THIS: when you do at first, you’ll still be broke or…
You must learn to stop thinking the worried, fearful, lack thoughts and exchange them for thoughts that will seem completely unrealistic. You must rewrite your financial, or mental and emotional conditioning. You must rewire your brain. You must learn a new way and develop new mental, emotional, speech, behavior and financial habits. If you feel lack, that’s the signal you need to do this!
You must develop your attitude so it’s unstoppable and serves to move you forward during easy times and tough times. You need to rewrite your history as someone who is broke to someone who WAS broke but learned how to create, attract and experience abundance and financial wellbeing. It is learned. It is re-conditioning. It is reprogramming but you must do it. That’s why you feel lack!
It’s a gift, a signal telling you there’s another, better way. Stop whining in the dark and get into the light. You can change and transform and go from poverty to riches, but you must start doing things differently. Those crappy unwanted feelings have been trying to get your attention for years. Now, perhaps you’ll get the message in this blog and activate your attitude and improve your bank balance. If it is to come true it is up to you! You can do this. Begin now to rewire and develop the attitude to make your dreams come true. I have something to help you if you want to transform with greater ease and delight. See below. Meanwhile, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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