“It’s awesome and fun to realize your potential and role as a creator in your own life. When you recognize that it really is all about you, who you are, who you allow yourself to be, which is less than you want and who you allow yourself to be, that is magnificent and always manifesting the freedom, power, and opportunities you have is incredible.

The creative ability is outstanding. It is both beyond belief and completely ordinary at the same time. You may think that is a contradiction, but it isn’t. When you take responsibility for everything, everything changes and opens. Transformation happens. It’s like a magnificent sunrise. They are part of the day. They always happen.

Responsibility is magnificent! As I began to realize I needed to take 100% responsibility, as I became aware of my part in it, for everything I have had, lost, got, will get and enjoy, all of it, everything, new opportunities, resources and possibilities appeared. Taking responsibility puts you in the driver’s seat! You go from passenger to driver. Get this!


The driver decides where to go. Everything good and bad has always been up to me. The same is true for you. Since I have adopted this mindset, I’m capable of so much more because it all boils down to me and my attitude instead of relying on others or blaming them. It is not about changing others or circumstances to get my way bad things happen.

I change my attitude, my thoughts, my responses and move forward with what I might do instead of blaming or criticizing. Instead of feeling stuck or dependent on ‘things’ to change, I change! That makes all the difference in the world. I/m not a victim but a victor with this mental stance. The same is or would be true for you. You change and things do.

I don’t care if it’s accurate that you and I are 100% responsible. I know this mental stance, mindset or attitude has helped me immensely. Believe me, I’m a work in progress. We all are. I’ve much to work on, but I have learned to accept that and be ‘cool’ with that. I’m growing as a plant does. The growing I’ve left to do I will do for as long as I have time left.


I don’t expect to be complete. I expect to discover more and delight more. I know challenges may always come. In 1985 something came up that just about took all the wind from my sails. This was after the experience I had that I wrote about in my book ‘Life On Your Terms.’ I’ve had what some would call numerous catastrophes during my journey.

It really took me by surprise how immense and difficult it appeared. However, after a bit of suffering I realized I had my attention in the opposite place from where I could have placed it. You know the saying. Pain may be inevitable, but suffering is a choice. Once I realized I was wallowing and hurting because of my attitude, I changed my attention.

I put it elsewhere and THEN had numerous discoveries. Doing that made things better. I had to let go of the problems and shift. I had to go from wallowing to grateful. What took a while may have taken months or years previously. Am I happy with my journey? You bet! I’m thrilled! It began in bad times. It got so bad I knew I had to make instant changes.


The same is true about my original insight moments in my apartment and all others. So, I filled my mind each day with thoughts that inspired me, helped me to feel grateful, and move forward. I asked better questions again? I used the Directed Questions™ I had discovered when I locked myself in my apartment years earlier. Understand this.

Unlike a cake we aren’t baked until done. We have moments that come and go. Some we barely notice. Others may knock us down. What we do when knocked down matters. It matters just as much as when everything is fine or when it’s all going our way. Mindset matters. What you think and fill your mind and heart with is important! It’s crucial.

Don’t underestimate or overestimate. When things suck, we underestimate our abilities and overestimate the effect of circumstances. We give more power to the problems than we do ourselves UNLESS we begin to realize it is from within to without that makes all the difference. Some people go on never noticing what is possible. Do you? Do you notice?


Some never realize what’s possible until the little they have is taken from them. Then it seems almost too late. It never is. It just seems like it and that can be daunting when you let it be. Get this! You can always wake up and make things different by the attitude you live by. Most people don’t because they don’t bother with any of this. BUT, you can.

You’re reading this. They may not be. They live letting things happen and complain. When you understand reality and how you experience what is going on IS YOUR CHOICE you have an opportunity to make it marvelous. It’s your power. You allow the bad and you allow the good. You create the bad and you create the good. You change, everything does.

You have the opportunity to make everything marvelous by who you are and what your attitude is. SO EVEN WHEN IT ISN’T WONDERFUL or it seems overwhelming and that all may be lost, you still have that power IF you remember it and rely on it. The best way is to practice it IS when you don’t need it so when you do it’s readily available. I say, GO FIRST!


That IS the purpose of a fire drill or knowing where the extinguisher is. Life is Step by step, day by day. Practice first! Rehearse so it becomes natural to remain in your best attitude when the worst things happen. Master your attitude and you master your life. All these years later, I could never be more pleased with the decisions I made.

The best ones took me from where I was to where I could be. I have had a glorious life even when it appears not to be. This is why I encourage you. It’s why it is important to manage your mindset, heart, words and actions. It’s why I encourage and remind you to celebrate everything. Attitude IS the difference. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I used the word expert in the title. I don’t take it lightly or to boast. We’re all experts in our own crap. We mastered that. Learning to release it and change it IS a process of transformative learning and acquiring. It’s release. Allow it to go. Allow yourself to accept the new. It’s give and receive. I’m learning as you are. I’m an expert in crap and in changing it. You are too. Realize it and transformation occurs. I can share it cuz I live it. LOVE you and again celebrate everything!

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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