“You determine what your world will be. Your decisions and your thoughts influence your reality. It all depends on what you choose to make it. You can soar to unbelievable heights, you can experience success and happiness beyond belief or you can settle for okay.
Or worse. You can live afraid, in fear, worry, doubt, lack and misery. The choice is yours. It is your choice and yours alone. Right now you are creating and sustaining the world you live in. You can continue to perpetuate it or change it. You’re where your thoughts brought you.
When you choose to manage your thoughts and feelings and create a positive mindset you become an unstoppable force. You take charge. You shape yourself and your destiny. You create your future by becoming a powerful, positive creative person of action.
With An Open Mind Accept That Anything Is Possible – Believe
You can create a happy, fulfilled romantic life, you can enjoy the love of your family and friends and improve all your relationships. You can create a fulfilling career. You can take charge of your physical health, your mental and spiritual well-being. All of it is possible!
You can do the things you want, travel to the places you have dreamed of and acquire the things and true riches of life. To change you must change from the inside out. You begin by changing yourself. You begin by learning what you are truly capable of.
You learn how powerful your thoughts are. You discover how powerful you are to make things happen. Most people, sadly, never know. They continue to live from worn out prior negative conditioning that keeps them trapped and weak. You don’t have to!
Your Thoughts And Your Words Create Your Experience
Exercise your mind power. When you do, you change your world. Your own brain begins to look for opportunities you otherwise might have missed. When you are no longer focused on lack and worries you begin to see and take advantage of what else is there. It’s true!
That puts your on a positive track! You change your life for the better. You create and attract new people, events and circumstances into your life. You take advantage of new opportunities. You create your future and make your dreams come true. You alter the world.
You positively influence the people you come in contact with. You change your daily behaviors and begin to live life on your terms. BUT it starts within. From within to without. It begins with your decisions to become aware and no longer live from past conditioning.
Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right
You recondition. You re-train your brain to be a positive, automatic, reliable, opportunity seeking force. You make your life the one you want to live instead of living less than gloriously. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Affirm and declare daily. Visualize what you want.
Spend most of your time feeling good. Do those things I have shared with you in these blog pages. Create a daily ritual, a daily positive routine. Practice gratitude. Keep a list. Write it down. Journal your wins. Look for the good and new. Meditate. Allow, expect and anticipate wonderful experiences. You will change your life! Delight and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Make your day magnificent!
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.
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