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“What does it mean to give? Can one go beyond the conventional definition and begin to experience true compassion? What are the rewards in going this extra mile? To receive one must be a good receiver and a good giver. Giving opens the doorway to receive.

I hope you are taking advantage of and enjoying the Prosperity Summit. It continues on until the 12th. It is free and there are 22 world-class experts to help you solve money issues and live more abundantly. Click the link provided below to enjoy this summit.


I also include a link to an article I hope you enjoy. Pope Francis on giving. I think he made some excellent points and am providing the link so you can read it too.

Click Here To Read Article On Giving

Giving can be an unconditional act which seems to be the biblical injunction, or it can be a qualified act expecting some form of reciprocation. True compassion, true giving, means you give without qualifications. There are no strings attached.

Don’t worry about how the recipient utilizes your gift. Give and connect with the people you give to.  Treat people as people. Don’t just pass by the people you might give to on the street,  My belief is this form of giving is similar to the biblical form of forgiveness.

Forgive to forgive. Your forgiveness releases you. It has nothing to do with the object of your forgiveness. Let it go and go beyond petty grudges and ‘I’ll forgive but will never forget’ thinking. Give.  Forgive. Love. Help heal freely without qualifications. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Take advantage of this ongoing Prosperity Summit22 experts Online. March 6-12 Completely FREE! If you have any money issues you don’t want to miss this summit. Join it now by clicking the link below. Do it now.


Delight in all things!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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