I am thrilled you have joined me. This purpose of my blog is to help live better with greater ease and enjoyment. Become happier, healthier, wealthier. Discover lasting success and delight in your accomplishments. It is going to be you are going to make it happen.
I am thrilled you are a reader and you are here! In this post I want connect you up with resources you can use to change your life. I’ve included programs and products I’ve create and shared for more than 40 years. Here are powerful tools for your transformation.
I’m sharing links, resources and important updates for you so you’ll have them in one place! I want to make some introductions to people it would be good for you know about and, perhaps, even get to know. Read through to the bottom so you don’t miss anything.
Bailey loves life – She and I hope you do too!

I’ve included material from others I think you will want to know about. This includes other courses, videos, books, articles and all manner of positive materials. I hope you’ll explore my recommendations. I vet everything and only suggest things I believe in and believe will deliver great value to you.
This blog is raw. Sometimes it’s filled with spelling errors, grammar mistakes. I write it daily when time permits. Usually the late or early am hours. I’ve written daily blogs for more than 7 years without missing a day. It’s a free blog because my mission is to help people.
Sometimes you get more than one. It’s a process, a labor of love and I continuously seek to improve value for you. Your feedback comments and questions are important to me. Please feel free to let me know how you can be better served. The email you can reach out is support@rexsikes.com. Copy and paste email address.
Some news you may or may not already know.
Recently, I shared new episode of Create Your Best Life With Rex. My friend and colleague for more than 30 years Dr. Paul Scheele is my guest. We discuss a number of important topics ranging from; unlocking personal genius, learning, transforming and the awakening of our consciousness worldwide.
OTHER Create Your Best Life With Rex guests include:
Health Advocate, scientist and pioneer: Udo Erasmus
CEO of Napoleon Hill Foundation: Don Green
Co-Author Chicken Soup For The Soul Mark Victor Hansen & Crystal Dwyer
Plus, I have been invited to have a new show on the Los Angeles Tribune TV and also become a columnist. I am thrilled to do another show for this prestigious and iconic medium. They named the show The Rex Sikes Show: All Things Rex and asked me to blend my backgrounds in entertainment and transformation.
Every Thursday we stream/record live. Join my guests and me!

We stream live and record every Thursday at 3pm PDT, 5pm CDT, 6pm EDT on the Los Angeles Tribune Facebook Page, The Los Angeles Tribune Youtube Channel, Periscope, other mediums and the recorded show is later added to ROKU TV (you can download the app necessary to watch the show on ROKU)
Available now are two episodes. It’s real and raw. They’re creating intro music and other elements for the show but right now we are streaming and recording with tech glitches included. I’m working with the producer live to get this worked out to create a highly informative, positive, entertaining show. Right now there are guffaws and goofs and that’s all part of it.
My 2nd guest is the former mafioso, crime boss, Hollywood Fixer, Ori Spado, who transformed himself and now lives to help people, feed the world, stay out of crime and is an activist and humanitarian.
Episode 1 is available here. My guests are Michael Warkentin, who fell 3 stories at the age of 22 and was left a quadriplegic. BUT that didn’t stop him. He’s traveled the world, as an entrepreneur, whose mission is to help others and uplift all. AND actress/director Magi Avila (whose name I endlessly massacre) produced the documentary ‘Altitude Not Attitude’ about Michael’s life and mission.
You can purchase AltitudeNotAttitude: the story of Michael Warkentin NOW on iTunes or watch it on AppleTV. Witness the happiest man in the world for yourself. Watch my discussion with Michael and Magi by clicking link below.
Feedback on the new shows is outstanding and I am so pleased. I hope you will be to. Remember, this show evolves before your eyes. I hope you’ll join us and help share it too.
My Next Guest June 17 will be a gentleman whose mission is to take Parkinsons to the peak of Everest. Alex Flynn decided Parkinsons would not prevent him from enjoying life so he began and continues to run multiple marathons. Next year he plans to scale Mt. Everest.
Dame DC Cordova June 24 is the author of Money And You and a world reknown trainer and philanthropist. She’s been knighted a Dame for her philanthropic work. Her mission is to end world hunger. She enjoys the company of nation’s presidents, movers and shakers from countries around the globe. I share more about her below.

The One Percenters Only is a Clubhouse Club. The name reflects the mission founders Jay Noland and Moe Rock have in creating a movement of at least 1% of the global population dedicated to positively transforming the world.
There are many notable thought leaders and powerful others who are members and speakers. On Facebook you can search and find The One Percenters Fan Page to find out how you can become a member too. Currently, I am teaching in the private VIP room for members with notables: Great people to get to know!
Jay Noland – former profession baseball player and leader in business. Author and columnist.
Moe Rock – music producer & talent, owner and publisher of The Los Angeles Tribune and other businesses.
Dame Doria DC Cordova – author, trainer responsible for the likes of Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Ben & Jerry’s Ben Cohen and Hair Product Icon Paul Mitchell.
Scott Harris – business leader with over 30 years experience in management, sales and business operations.
Dr Natalie Forest – COO of L A Tribune, International Executive Consultant, Transformational Business and Life Mentor, Best Selling Author.
It’s a power packed training and people can join anytime and have access to past lessons as we all move forward.
Visit My Website And Scroll To Programs
Check into my powerful transformational programs. The information on each program is real and raw too. I tell it as it is.
Visit me at IDEA Seminars. If links don’t work use rexsikes.com
Go ahead and look into these powerfully positive programs available for you and allow your heart to choose one or more that’s right for you.
All programs are created and run through my Mind Design™ process to ensure they’re maximally beneficial, easy to learn, remember and master, fun, thought-provoking and transformational. Learn while improving your attitude, having fun and enjoying the process.
***Are you ready to go deeper than you ever have before?***
MIND DESIGN™ – is my process devoted to whole-brain and accelerated learning so you can discover how to overcome difficulty and limitations to live more joyously, powerfully and positively with greater ease and fun.
All programs are go at your own pace. Recorded video content. Support materials are included. Recorded and LIVE Q & A sessions. Plus, private group support. Join community of people transforming themselves and the world. Enroll today.
The Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™ – The most coveted NLP Home Study program worldwide. From newbies to master trainers this program has something for you. You’ll continue to benefit more with repeat reviewing due to the embedded and layering process of information. To become a master in any endeavor you must master the basics and create a firm foundation. All my programs are designed for this purpose.
Change Your Thoughts And Transform Your Life™ – The real deal! The truth about creating and attracting your best life ever. I debunk the BS surrounding the Law Of Attraction and give it to you straight so you can begin manifesting what you want. Stop creating what you don’t. Start creating what you do want!
HOW TO GET PEOPLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT™ – It’s a truly powerful program for learning influence and persuasion to create wins all the way around. When you want to up your ability to persuade and communicate with greater ease, rapport and respect this is the program to enroll in. Connect more easily and readily with others.
There are other programs available, my book and bonus training, PLUS:
The Attitude Activator™ – My incredible audio program. Listen with headphones. It teaches you how to get unstuck and move forward with great ease and confidence. Whatever issue or habit you wish to change the Attitude Activator™ is for you. I designed it so it can be used with and for virtually anything. It does the heavy lifting for you while you learn this simple, yet profoundly transformational process.
I encourage you to join me in a deeper dive today! Choose a program, or programs, and begin living in a new more positive and wonderful way. Enrollment is easy. I’ll see you in a program!
Can’t decide yet? Choose one! Guess. Go with your heart not your head. You will make the right choice of programs. Trust yourself!
Dr Joe Vitale and my book

Lastly, right now, I am giving my $497 training on The Mastery Loop™ how we accelerate learning and master skills, thoughts and behaviors more easily and with fun instead of struggle.
Get it when you purchase my book as a BONUS! It’s a wonderful companion for LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. If you don’t have the training and you want it – follow the instructions here:
Your Bonus Training When You Purchase Life On Your Terms

If you already purchased LIFE ON YOUR TERMS you get the bonus training too! Just scroll down to the bonus instructions and complete the process.
PLEASE rate and review my book on Amazon. And if you would, as so many have, send me a pic of you with the book. Enjoy transforming and living life on your terms and this powerful training.
Okay, that’s it for now. I may never again do a post like this one. Keep it handy so you can access links as needed.
Stay in touch. I look forward to hearing you, seeing you in programs and in the support rooms.
Remember, if you consider everything a blessing, everything is a blessing.
Much love, peace and blessings!
Rex Sikes
Celebrate Everything!

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