“Your thoughts shape your reality. Whether you believe it or not, what you focus on expands. When you direct your attention toward problems, obstacles, and fears, you unknowingly invite more of the same into your life. But when you train your mind to see possibilities, solutions, and abundance, everything begins to shift in your favor. […]
“Most people believe they are positive thinkers, but if you listen carefully, you’ll realize they spend more time focused on what they don’t want than what they do. Ask someone what they desire in a partner, and they’ll rattle off a list of what they don’t want. No smokers, no liars, no cheaters. Not like […]
“Success isn’t a matter of luck. It’s not something that randomly happens to a select few while the rest are left to struggle. Success is a formula, a process, and a mindset that can be learned, mastered, and applied. The reality is most people don’t take the time to do this. They let life happen […]
“Successful people don’t stumble upon success by accident. They don’t leave things to chance, hoping that somehow, someday, things will magically fall into place. They don’t dabble and drift. They dive in and go for it. They get what they want, or something even better, because they know exactly what they’re after and relentlessly pursue […]
“The secret to getting more money seems counterintuitive but it is not. If you want to live a prosperous and abundant life there are things you must do. Everything is an exchange. There is no free ride. When you work it right the floodgates open and riches flow.
Go First. The universe returns what you first do. If you want money then give money. Give money first. It doesn’t matter the amount. It could be a penny, a dollar, a five or a ten. Give it to get it. Get it? You get back what you first put out. Your cause creates the effect.
If you want more money celebrate getting it. If you find a penny, get excited. Be thrilled. It doesn’t matter the amount. It matters you celebrate. The universe loves a joyous giver and a joyous receiver. When you throw a boomerang, a boomerang returns. Not a teacup.
Go First – Go First – Go First – Go First – Go First – Go First
You get back what you put out. Be positive. Be cheerful. Give generously whatever you can give. Receive happily whatever you receive. Attitude is everything. You’ll discover more comes your way. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“As one of the ‘Top 25 Network Marketers in World’ and also a recovering alcoholic with over 30 years sobriety, I am constantly asked to review and read books on personal development either in business or recovery. Most of them are just like the last one I read. Nothing ever seems new or too useful. And then came Life On Your Terms by Rex Sikes. From the first page, I knew this book would be different and better. And the more I read the more right I was. Read this book. It will change your life. Even if your life is great, like mine is today, it will make it even better. I have so many people reading it, from my son to my AA friends to my business associates, because it works for everyone. I LOVE THIS BOOK!” – Tom Chenault, The Tom Chenault Radio Show
“Someone complained on social media that during crisis the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Well, there’s a reason for this. It’s because, for whatever reason, there’s a difference in mindset between the rich person and the poor. The rich have a rich mindset.
Having made money, the rich know how to do it in good times and bad. They learned how through trial and error. They got good at it. They mastered a skill. They learned how to make lots of money. The poor, who work pay check to pay check, haven’t yet learned how.
So in bad times they get poorer. The rich decided not to live pay check to pay check. They decided not to trade their time for money. They learned how to develop their thoughts and skills around creating wealth. Get it? It is a different way of thinking and acting.
The Mind Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Think
Good or bad times provide opportunities. You need to decide if you want riches. If yes, then pursue wealth positively and legally. The decision makes the difference. Most people who get rich begin poor. Many are immigrants who came here and believed in a dream.
They escaped poverty and made their dream happen. They believed they could, so they decided to. They decided to, so they did. It begins with the dream or vision which they keep alive during good times and bad. Those who give up, give up. Those who don’t, do. Get ti?
Sure, there are those who have been born wealthy. Some remain successful but many of those lose it, mis-spend it or have other issues troubling because they were silver spooned and didn’t learn how to get rich. Getting wealthy is an art and science.
You End Up Where Your Thoughts Take You
Getting rich begins with managing your thoughts. You must condition yourself for it. Either believe you can and will, or you believe you can’t, so you don’t try. Believe you can. You get further believing you can then if you believe you cannot. Now is the time to begin to dream bigger and then start making your dream come true. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
You don’t have to do this alone. I am here to help you. Join me.
PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
STOP STRUGGLING – START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE! Discover how easy it is to get started. Click the link below:
Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?
“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
“Those who are successful share things in common. While they may have taken different paths to the top there are things similar to most, if not all of them. Can you guess what it is? This one thing makes the difference between those who have and those who don’t.
It is a matter of how you play the game. Successful people play to win. Losing isn’t an option. Their predominant thoughts are on wealth, not on lack or scarcity. They focus on what they can do, not on what they cannot do. They create their success from within.
They draw it to themselves too. Whether, they think this way consciously or unconsciously their thoughts are focused on wealth and success. This draws successful, wealthy people, events and circumstances to them. Their thoughts bring them wealth.
Plant The Seed – Nurture It – Help It Grow – Harvest When Ready
You can do this too! Those who don’t succeed aren’t playing to win. They’re playing not to lose. You can’t travel uphill thinking downhill thoughts. Take charge of your thinking. Place your attention on what you want and keep it there. Think on what you will make happen and can do. Stop thinking about what you don’t want, can’t or won’t do. When your predominant thoughts are on success and wealth you’ll create and draw it to you as well. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
STOP STRUGGLING – START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE! Discover how easy it is! Join me in Mind Design™
Enroll In Mind Design™Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
Infographic @2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
“One of the main reasons AND it’s not just a reason but a cause follows. AND you do understand for every cause there is an effect! Pay attention because this is WHY people, perhaps YOU, have lack of money, are stuck in dire jobs, or find their business failing.
It’s also the reason that all areas of your life may suffer. The cause of failure is taking more in value, taking money from others, without providing greater value back. Taking more from others than you give creates imbalance. You won’t succeed if you are greedy.
You, and I, need to give more value than the money or benefits we receive in every part of your life. Give far more value than expected whenever you can! Give to increase and benefit the other person not to get something from them. Actions speak louder than words.
Go First – Give Great Value – Your Reputation Is All You Have
Go first. Give love, attention and acceptance first to family and friends. Go the extra mile, work harder, do more and have a better attitude in your job. Uplift and support. Give your customers and clients better service, value and attention than they pay you for.
‘Science Of Getting Rich’, author Wallace Wattles stated, “Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value.” This practice alone can transform everything you do. You’ll begin to experience increase and benefit in your personal and professional life. Add value. Surprise and delight others and you will find yourself moving forward in wonderful ways. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
STOP STRUGGLING – START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE! Discover how easy it is! Join me in Mind Design™
Enroll In Mind Design™Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
“Gratitude is its own reward. Once you actually begin the real practice of gratitude everything transforms. You do and your life does. The actual practice of gratitude is not a 30 day challenge. It is a way of life. You live in gratitude and express it moment to moment.
Expressing gratitude is not just making a list. That’s a great way to begin learning the process. Write down what you are grateful for. I recommend at least 25 daily. Some people think they can’t find that many at first, but once you do, you’ll discover more and more.
Truly feel the emotions of gratefulness, appreciation, thankfulness, and joy for those people, things and circumstances in life. Feeling is the key that unlocks the floodgates. You vibe high. You feel good. You open up to being grateful for everything and you’ll find more.
The More You Do The More You Can Do – Like Attracts Like
Here is an abundance exercise. Every time you receive money, whether you find it in the street, your pockets, get your paycheck, get a bonus or a discount, a refund or someone buys you coffee or dinner, every time you get money be grateful! Celebrate.
There is a myriad of ways you receive money. From earning it to finding it. Whenever, wherever and however you receive money celebrate. Be glad. Be thankful. Express your gratitude. Do a happy dance. That signals your brain to be on the look out for more of the same. Make finding and receiving money joyful. Celebrate everything! ” Rex Sikes
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Develop your inner power! Learn to manifest your desires! Enjoy abundance! Enroll in Mind Design™ Join my students and me. Together, we can help you create your best life ever. Learn how to really live. Become fully alive. Live your best dreams! Read what a few students have to say!
“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philidelphia, PA
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
STOP STRUGGLING! START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE. It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible! Join Mind Design™ Online Program. Revolutionize Your Life
Enroll In Mind Design™Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!
Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
“Rich people feel rich. They think rich. They act rich. Do you? Do you think, ‘it will all work out.’ Do you think, ‘I can get the money.’ Do you feel rich? Do you act rich? Probably not. If you did, you’d most likely be richer. Therein, however, is the key. Be it and do it and you have it.
You don’t have to do this all the time. I’m not dispensing financial advice. Every once and a while, purchase of something you want simply because you want it. It need not be a large purchase. Small purchases are absolutely fine! Just buy it because you want it.
Don’t look at the cost. Only get it because you want it! Gift yourself. On larger purchases, think or say, ‘I’ll get that later when the time is right.’ Always think you are able to afford it. That IS the rich person’s mindset. That’s the mindset you want! Money is no object! Get it?
You Are Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You – Think The Best
Go to a restaurant and order the food you desire. Stop looking at the cost. Ask if they have what you want. Then say, ‘that’s what I’ll have. This is how I’d like it prepared. Thank you!’ Ignore the cost. Again, once and a while is fine. It is a gift to yourself. Act as if you’re rich!
When you think and feel and behave rich you set into motion your own brain power to create, and attract, these opportunities for you. Your brain, your Reticular Activating System looks for matches in the outer world to your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Get it?
By first, thinking, feeling, speaking and acting rich you set all of your inner resources into action. Plus, for Law of Attraction advocates you set all the outer forces into play as well. It is cause and effect. When you are it you attract it. What you are comes back to you!
Emulate The Successful Practices Of Successful People
That’s why rich people can lose money and make it back easily. Because they think of themselves as people who can easily make money. You can too. Start developing the same wealthy inner mindset by occasionally gifting yourself in this way. It pays off in the long term. Plus, be sure to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Develop your inner power! Learn to manifest your desires! Enjoy abundance! Enroll in Mind Design™
Join my students and me. Together, we can help you create your best life ever. Learn how to really live. Become fully alive. Live your best dreams! Read what a few students have to say!
“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philidelphia, PA
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
STOP STRUGGLING! START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE. It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible! Join Mind Design™ Online Program. Revolutionize Your Life
Enroll In Mind Design™Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!
Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
“If you utter the words ‘I can’t afford it,’ now’s time to change that! That statement is an affirmation of debt and lack. You’re telling yourself, ‘No! I don’t have enough. It’s too expensive. I can’t now, or maybe ever, afford that. Poor me. Woe’s me.’ It’s negative self-talk!
Stop! Stop! Stop! A reset is in order. It may be that you don’t have the money currently in your possession but stop affirming lack and what you don’t want! You need a mindset change! You need to stop telling yourself ‘I can’t’ and start telling yourself something better.
For, at least, the next thirty days, decide you will positively take charge of yourself. When you see things you like and want say, ‘I can afford that. I can buy that.’ Get it? If you see your dream house, car, favorite dress, golf clubs, educational program, say ‘I can afford it.’
If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right
You don’t have to buy it now. When you look at your dream vacation, favorite sporting event or concert think and say, ‘I can afford it.’ You might add, ‘I’ll get it later.’ or ‘When the time is right.’ The point is, THINK, ‘I can afford it’. Develop a prosperity mindset! Get it?
By thinking YOU CAN instead of you can’t, you begin to focus on what you want as something YOU CAN some day HAVE. Your attitude shifts from ‘poor me’ to ‘I can and I will’. You’ll start feeling better about yourself and money. It is crucial to feel good!
When you feel better about YOU and MONEY things change. You change! Your life changes. Imagine owning and enjoying those things, as if you have them right now. Imagine. FEEL what it feels like to own really cool things! Allow yourself to FEEL luxury and wealth.
You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You – You Create Your Future
When you convince yourself you’re worth it, AND can afford finer things, AND you enjoy having money, you begin to focus on creating it, making it or earning it, instead of not having it and feeling bad. Get this! Everything begins to change for the better. Do it diligently for no less than a month. Do it DILIGENTLY! Really do it! YES, DO IT!
Put a guard before your lips and only speak to BLESS, HEAL and PROSPER. Get it? THINK AND SAY ‘I can afford that!’ Stop THINKING SMALL and START THINKING BIG! Stop living as a victim. Take charge and LIVE AS A VICTOR! Stop being sooo tiny.
Stop being passive. Stop settling for less. Start taking action. Make things happen. If you don’t change this who will? If you don’t change this now? When will you? At the end of your life? After 30 days you may be enjoying your new thinking so much you decide to continue it. This has the potential to blow you away. When you correct how you think about money everything changes. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Learn to develop your inner power! Learn to manifest your desires! Enjoy abundance! Enroll in Mind Design™. Join me. Join my students. Together, we can help you begin to create your best life ever. Learn how to really live. Become fully alive. Live your best dreams!
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
STOP STRUGGLING! START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE. It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!
Join my Mind Design™ Online Program. Revolutionize Your Life
Enroll In Mind Design™Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!
Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
“You want to live abundantly but don’t know how? How does one claim one’s wealth, you may ask? What must I do to get ahead? How do I go from debt to prosperity? What is the key to making the difference that makes the difference? Okay, read on. You’ll learn.
You claim wealth by deciding to. You choose to claim it. You decide to focus on wealthy thoughts, feelings, and on creating your wealth most of your time. You stop focusing on what you don’t want, negativity, lack and debt, and focus on prosperity and abundance.
Get it? Focus on making it happen. Decide you’re already wealthy. Create this belief and attitude by thinking it often each day. Make the thoughts of abundance and prosperity your main thoughts! Condition yourself. Study wealth. Feel good about money. Enjoy.
It Is Always You Doing It – Even When It Seems Like Magic
More next blog. Understand this. It’s mindset first! When you know you’re wealthy and capable of creating more wealth it gets easy. If you doubt you can, it remains difficult. You must be certain! Know it inside every atom of your being that you are making it happen. Get it? You first become it within. Then you create it without. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
If you want help living abundantly enroll in Mind Design™ or my Law of Attraction programs. It’s not impossible to do it by yourself but it far easier when you’re with others help you. Mind Design™ helps pave the way to your ultimate freedom and create your best life ever!
Mind Design™ prepares you to manifest your good. It makes the soil ready for planting the law of attraction seeds. When you need to, or you’d like to, positively transform yourself and your life, join me, and enroll in Mind Design™.
You’ll begin to create your best life ever. You’ll learn to celebrate everything! You’ll learn to live more abundantly! You’ll get results!
“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA
STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE? You can discover: It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!
Join my Mind Design™ Online Program. Revolutionize Your Life
Enroll In Mind Design™ Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!
Enroll In Mind Design™ Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
Infographic @2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
“You know how I say, ‘if you throw a boomerang the boomerang comes back to you. Not a teacup.’ This is an important distinction to understand. If you want money, you can’t need money. You can’t even want money. The boomerang returns the boomerang.
If you want or need money you get wanting or needing money back. You must be wealthy to create and attract wealth. The reason wealthy people don’t have as much trouble creating wealth is because they know they can do it. They feel it! It’s in their bones.
They are wealthy so they get more wealth. You must too. When you want or need money you actually keep it away from you. You must ‘vibrate’ wealth and abundance. The boomerang returns. Wealth comes back to you when you are already wealthy in mindset.
Like Attracts Like – Birds Of A Feather Flock Together – Focus
You have to find a way being happy, joyful, high vibe feeling good now, without the physical money. Your present must be uplifting and positive. Once you feel wonderful, positive and vibe high with abundance it will come to you, even if you don’t have it now.
Feelings and mindset open the door. You become more creative. You are a creator. You are the attractor. You make it happen. The mirror always reflects back to you your current condition. When you are wealthy from within is when you’ll start being wealthy from without.
You’ll discover so many incredible opportunities, circumstances, events and people when you decide you are already prosperous. A decision moves you closer to riches or further away. To not decide is to have already decided. Choose now. Be wise. I’d like to help you. That’s why I am here. Learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Mind Design™ prepares you to manifest your good. It makes the soil ready for planting the law of attraction seeds When you need to, or you’d like to, positively transform yourself and your life, join me, and enroll in Mind Design™.
You’ll begin to create your best life ever. You’ll learn to celebrate everything! You’ll learn to live more abundantly!!
“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA
STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE? You can discover: It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!
Join my Mind Design™ Online Program. Revolutionize Your Life
Enroll In Mind Design™ Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!
Enroll In Mind Design™ Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
Infographic @2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
“We become what we think about most often. What we focus on we get. We get back what we put out. We reap what we sow. Energy flows where our attention goes. So think and feel and expect the best and you will get more of the same. You are the one doing it!
FOCUS on what you want to create, have and enjoy. Put your thoughts and energy into what you want to manifest for yourself. Keep your thoughts on this. Imagine it in detail, as richly and fully as you are able. You make all things happen. You are the creator.
Daily watch full color movies in your mind. Make them vivid, with awesome sound. Enjoy the feelings that go with these inner movies or thoughts. See yourself, NOW, as you want will be. Feel as if you’re already that person, living that life, but right this moment!
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes – Focus On Your Dreams
What positive attributes and characteristics do you embody? How do you look, stand and move as you live your dreams? How do you sound? What do you say? Where are you? What are you doing? Who is with you? What do you have? How incredible does it feel? Feel it!
Be grateful for all of this. Feel the appreciation. Feel the incredible feelings. Vibe high. Fill yourself with wonderful, positive, uplifting , joyous energy. Get and be excited. Feel the passion and enthusiasm. Live fully. Get filled with good, wonderful, vibrant life! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Mind Design™ prepares you to manifest your good. It makes the soil ready for planting the law of attraction seeds When you need to, or you’d like to, positively transform yourself and your life, join me, and enroll in Mind Design™.
You’ll begin to create your best life ever. You’ll learn to celebrate everything! You’ll learn to live more abundantly!!
“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA
STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE? You can discover: It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!
Join my Mind Design™ Online Program. Revolutionize Your Life
Enroll In Mind Design™ Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!
Enroll In Mind Design™ Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!