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“Someone complained on social media that during crisis the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Well, there’s a reason for this. It’s because, for whatever reason, there’s a difference in mindset between the rich person and the poor. The rich have a rich mindset.

Having made money, the rich know how to do it in good times and bad. They learned how through trial and error. They got good at it. They mastered a skill. They learned how to make lots of money. The poor, who work pay check to pay check, haven’t yet learned how.

So in bad times they get poorer. The rich decided not to live pay check to pay check. They decided not to trade their time for money. They learned how to develop their thoughts and skills around creating wealth. Get it? It is a different way of thinking and acting.

The Mind Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Think

Good or bad times provide opportunities. You need to decide if you want riches. If yes, then pursue wealth positively and legally. The decision makes the difference. Most people who get rich begin poor. Many are immigrants who came here and believed in a dream.

They escaped poverty and made their dream happen. They believed they could, so they decided to. They decided to, so they did. It begins with the dream or vision which they keep alive during good times and bad. Those who give up, give up. Those who don’t, do. Get ti?

Sure, there are those who have been born wealthy. Some remain successful but many of those lose it, mis-spend it or have other issues troubling because they were silver spooned and didn’t learn how to get rich. Getting wealthy is an art and science.

You End Up  Where Your Thoughts Take You 

Getting rich begins with managing your thoughts. You must condition yourself for it. Either believe you can and will, or you believe you can’t, so you don’t try. Believe you can. You get further believing you can then if you believe you cannot. Now is the time to begin to dream bigger and then start making your dream come true. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

You don’t have to do this alone. I am here to help you. Join me.

PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!


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“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

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Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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