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“Circumstances are an effect. They’re not the cause. We think they are, but we’re wrong. We’ve been conditioned to spend our time trying to change the way things are, instead of focusing on what  works. Our conditioning saps us of our power to transform.

When powerless, we won’t challenge the ruling class. We won’t challenge our conditioning. We won’t do anything that actually makes a difference. We will stay busily distracted, thinking we can affect change, but not noticing we’re just spinning our wheels.

The more we try to fix circumstances without fixing ourselves first, the more we and circumstances remain the same. There is an order to follow but we have it backward. Changing the cart isn’t as important as learning how to control and direct the horse. Get it?

Stop Doing What You’ve Always Done To Get Better Results

We’ve been hoodwinked since ancient times by the rulers. It continues today. If we’re busy trying to fix their, and our, messes while struggling to keep our head above water we won’t peacefully overthrow the 1 or 2% who control and own most everything.

They win by perpetuating the myths we willingly and unwittingly follow. We need to wake up and reclaim our power and our life back. We need to stop wasting energy trying to fix or change the circumstances. We need to change the cause. Change the cause!

You and I are the cause. What we think, feel and do is the cause. What we don’t think, feel and do is the cause. If we aren’t the solution then we help keep things the same. If you keep doing the same things, things don’t change. They remain the same. Get it?

Update And Upgrade Your Attitude & Self-Image With Ease

This is the big secret. We live from conditioning that is designed to keep us limited. It’s in our religions, our politics, our media and advertising. We are taught we can’t really do it. We are smelly and flakey and need help. We need to work for someone and fit in.

The ruling classes from early times on have sold us a bill of goods to keep us in our place, working for them, They get the lion’s share. We get the scraps. We aren’t to make waves but do as were are told. They tell us they know better for us. We call them leaders.

The attempt to keep us from finding out by hijacking our attention with issues that don’t matter and keep us divided and distracted, fighting among ourselves and by trying to put a roof over our head. They have all the money while costs for the 98% keep rising.

Stop doing Things The Same Expecting Things To Be Different

It doesn’t have to be an evil conspiracy, It’s just those who have more wanting to keep it from those who have less. They want to remain in power. We don’t get out from under this rule unless we choose to become free. AND we can do this peacefully and effectively. First –

Put your energy into transforming your attitude and self-image. Become a person who can make a difference. Accept your true power to transform. When you change yourself you become free from old conditioning and reacting to circumstances which sap you.

You free up your power to choose and your creative powers to make things happen. You develop the ability and knack to see opportunity and solutions. You’re no longer restricted by your thinking. You become a person who intends to get things done and does. Get it?

Nothing Really Changes Until You Change Old Conditioning

No longer think and act like a victim. Stop buying into limitations, limiting beliefs and blocks to your own success. Free yourself up to dream big. Plant seeds for success. Follow through. Take those necessary right actions to legally harvest them. Transform yourself.

You can try to change the ocean or learn to sail it. You are the sailor. You can be a passenger in steerage or the captain of your ship. It is your choice. Want to keep struggling? Fight circumstance. Resistance is futile. What you resist persists but there’s a better way.

Transform you! Activate your attitude. Make your self-image one who wins and who’s powerful and readily makes good things happen. Develop an image as one who can easily and confidently navigate troubled seas to successfully arrive at your destination.

Easily Activate Your Attitude And Delight In Greater Success

Instead of focusing on the cart, focus on the horse. You are the horse. You are the power source. You are the cause. What are you creating? Create good for you, yours and everyone. Do you want to change things and lawfully change the ruling class? Do you?

Transform yourself first. As Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Now, you know what you must begin doing. The question before you right this instant is, will you? Will you transform yourself from victim to victor. Live as a victor and circumstances don’t matter. Nor, can they control you because you put yourself in charge. I hope you will. Take charge. Take right action. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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