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“Raising awareness is not the same as becoming aware. You can raise awareness of what’s wrong in the world that you think needs fixing or you can raise awareness ofthat which is  good in the world you could be appreciating. What you’re doing is aiming a flashlight.

You can focus on positive or negative. That is aiming where you focus. BUT becoming aware means you realize you have a choice. It means good and bad are opposite sides of the same coin. As long as you hang onto the coin you’ll continue to have the opposites. Let go.

Raising awareness is the same as saying ‘hey there is a problem here. ‘Danger Will Robinson, Danger!’ The alarm is sounded. ‘Go back!’ or ‘Go forward.’ Becoming aware is to go beyond raising awareness. It is beyond going forward and back. It isn’t becoming more ‘woke’.

Stop Doing What You’ve Always Done To Get Better Results

To become aware is to drop the problems and issues. It means dropping the ego and the attachment to the problems and the solutions. We can be so attached to our solutions we miss solving the problem. It is dropping attachments and becoming free.

It’s not becoming more encumbered with what we pay attention to. It’s not filling our mind with more issues to be concerned about every day. That form of awareness mostly asks for donations. That form of awareness is a call to action and not to transcendence.

Don’t think because you are more aware of issues that you are more aware. What you are is more preoccupied with the issues. There is good in helping solve problems. There’s also good in not living life as a collection of troubles needing fixes. Drop problems. Feel joy.

Activate Your Attitude And Delight In Greater Success

Why not raise awareness of all the good in the world, all the joy, all the helpful people, all the delightful healthy attitudes, all the wonderful good weather days? How about raising awareness of all the people, events and things in your life you feel delighted about?

How about enjoying it and going beyond all of it? Become Aware!

It’s one thing to bring something to your attention. It’s another to go beyond the object of your attention. It’s another to realize there are no problems. Mind causes suffering as Buddha pointed out. Without thoughts, there’d be no emotional pain. There’d only be what is. To understand this you must become aware. My mentioning it only raises your awareness. Now, go beyond, instead. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

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©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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