“I’ve discussed this a lot. Two people go to a movie. They sit side by side. They watch the movie until it is over. One loves it. The other hates it. Why is that? They see the same movie. BUT do they? They see the movie through their independent set of filters. Get it?
They pay attention to different things. One enjoys the characters, or the story, or the acting, or the technical expertise or any or all of it mix and match. The other doesn’t like those or is focused on something else. Who is to say from this writer’s vantage point.
I don’t know. We have to ask. The person could say, ‘I don’t know, I just liked it.’ The other might say, ‘Not my cup of tea.’ Or ‘I hate that actor or director.’ Or, ‘Not a fan of that genre.’ Get it? Each of us decides what’s important and/or what we pay attention to.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
One person could say, ‘I didn’t have a good time.’ Not really even mentioning the movie but that the environment was cold, noisy or the seats uncomfortable. They may even admit to not being in the right frame of mind for seeing a movie, or THAT movie. Understand?
Anything is possible. It may not even have to have anything to do with anything. We make judgements. We have preferences. We pay attention to different aspects. We filter things. I’m simply speaking about a movie, but consider religion, politics, life, rules and more.
It is why Emerson said, ‘To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.’ What we focus on matters. How we think matters. Whether we are hot or cold, optimistic or pessimistic, positive negative mostly, matters! We make it so. You make it so. You do!
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
What you focus on expands. Whether we love life or not is mostly up to what we pay attention to. What we pay attention to is 98% habitual. We are creatures of habit so much so we don’t even notice we are operating on automatic, out of awareness most of the time.
This is why awareness is the beginning of change. We can know we don’t like something but not do anything about it. We may not even realize we can choose to be different. We could focus on different things but we don’t because we routinely do what we always do.
For your life to change you must change some things in your life. You can’t do what you have always done and expect it to be different. Yet, that is precisely what most people do. Do you? Awareness is the key. You keep doing the same things expecting it to be different.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
It won’t be until you do some different things. You must begin to think differently. Then you’ll feel differently and behave differently. When you do this then you begin to get different results. Then you can begin to get the results you have hoped for but not got.
Get it? I hope so. Your energy flows where your attention goes. Thoughts become things or your reality. Change your thoughts and you transform your life. Thinking makes it so. Want change? Then change what you are doing. If you aren’t willing to change, you won’t.
Accept what you have, where you are, and get on with it. If you want life to be better. Think better. Attitude matters. Attitude determines your altitude. Attitude IS the number one predictor of success. I’ve been sharing this for 40 years. Change your thinking and everything changes. Think differently. Think BETTER. That’s how it begins. If you do nothing, nothing changes. Get this! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Freedom can be yours!
“Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune
“This is by far the most comprehensive self help book on the market! And I’ve written 20 self help books all here on Amazon. @rexstevensikes is a genius for writing it and you would do well to get a copy if you truly want to change your life!” Dr LaVerne
Click Here To Get Life On Your Terms Today! amzn.to/3gD7rLG

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2021 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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