“Your unconscious mind is a servant and does not distinguish between good or bad, right or wrong, wanted or unwanted. It just goes wherever you place your attention. Whatever you focus on it works to create, manifest or attract. It doesn’t care.
It doesn’t judge, like or dislike. It doesn’t sabotage you because it is simply blindly obedient. It only does what it learned to do through the programming or conditioning process we all go through. It does what it learned to do. You may not like it but it doesn’t sabotage,
That is your belief. It is your blame and excuse you and others use when you don’t do something you claim you will. Your brain doesn’t run counter to you. It works to keep you alive and to keep you consistent. So if you want to change it does what it already does.
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You don’t like it so you claim it sabotaged you. It didn’t. It can’t. It isn’t out to get you like some boogeyman. Time to update these outdate beliefs and learn to be responsible and accountable for thoughts, actions, behaviors or lack of them. Get it?
It works the way it was programmed to work. It works only to keep you consistent and alive. If you want to do the new things you claim you do you only need to reprogram it to do those things and then it will as reliably and automatically as it does the old things.
You have to train it to do what you NOW want, instead of what it has been doing all along already. Get this? If you want to be different then you first must update the program. You must tell it what to do instead and train it to do it for you. THEN it will. Get this!
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Whatever you think about most of the time and feel emotional about you end up getting more of in your life. This is how it works. So stop blaming, complaining and making excuses for yourself and come into your power. Your power is re-training your brain.
Thinking positive never has to be hard. In fact, it may be most natural to humans, but through growing up and the messages we received we think life is difficult and not fair. We’re told it is a cruel world, there are bad people in it. Beware. Don’t be a sucker.
Don’t be gullible. Don’t trust. Save. Work hard. That is how you get ahead. Stop dreaming. Be realistic. Some people are born lucky, others are not. There are all sorts of messages we receive while we grow that don’t serve us well. Money is hard to come by.
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You need a job and education. There isn’t enough to go around. Life sucks and then you die. The negative messages we get don’t originate with us. We adopt as our own because someone told us we should. We bleach our hair and our teeth. Pluck our eyebrows.
Wear massive amounts of chemicals and scents because as humans we are nasty and no one will like us if we have dandruff, no money or smell like a human does without perfume. Basically, we are brainwashed into believing it is a tough, rough, cruel, place.
At the same time, we get some mixed messages. All people are created equal and have or should have equal access under the law. Everyone and anyone can get ahead if they would only try. You must be number one to enjoy the spoils. We are divided, fractionated.
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We’re confused and don’t know what to do or where to turn. Not everyone believes the same thing but one thing we know, everyone believes something and that determines how they live in the world, who they are, what they think, do and have. People are different.
This all demonstrates that how you think determines who you think you are, what you do and the results you get. If you think differently, as others may, you’d have different results. Get it? You’re who you are, do what you do and have what you have because you think.
Your thinking, your beliefs make it so. Beliefs are only thoughts you repeatedly think and accept as true, whether they actually are true or not. You act as if they are and fight over them with others and even yourself. Would you like to feel better?
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Would you like to think, feel, do better and have more? Change your thoughts. Change what you focus on. Put your attention on that which is good and positive. Become optimistic by practicing gratitude and appreciation for all life’s lessons and circumstances.
Stop whining, complaining, excusing and blaming. Stop looking for and at what is wrong and start seeking the good, the peaceful, the kind, the compassionate, the joyful, and more. What you focus on grows. What you think about most makes your life as it is.
If you aren’t enjoying life as much as you’d like then you need to make some changes. Train your brain to look for and find the good and the positive and once conditioned it will do that automatically and reliably for you. You’ll develop the habit. It pays off.
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Optimistic and positive people are overall much happier, and healthier than those who do not. They have less stress. They live longer. They may not escape from problems but they know how to handle them better and as a result do better in the long run. Positive thinking is its own reward And it pays life-long dividends. Try it. Celebrate everything! ” Rex Sikes
Click Here To Get Life On Your Terms Today! amzn.to/3gD7rLG
“Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune
“This is by far the most comprehensive self help book on the market! And I’ve written 20 self help books all here on Amazon. @rexstevensikes is a genius for writing it and you would do well to get a copy if you truly want to change your life!” Dr LaVerne

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2021 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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