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“You are continuously creating your reality. What your life is like today is what you have thought it is up to today. The outer is a reflection of your inner imagination, feelings and decisions. What you think about you bring about. What you focus on expands.

If it is great, great! You are doing something right. If it sucks or you are not content but want better, know this. It won’t change. It will remain the same or worse UNLESS and UNTIL you make some changes. If you want your life to change, you must change!

You can’t keep doing what you did yesterday that brought you to where you are today and then expect it to be any different tomorrow if you do the same thing all over again. If you do what you always did, you get what you always got. Yet, most people keep it up.

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

STOP and learn you can be different. Everything can be different. It is simple and easier than you think it may be. Still, you have to commit to it. You can’t dabble and expect great results. You fall many times learning to walk. That’s fine. Just be sure to get back up.

Whatever you think it will be, it will be. Decide whether it will be easy or not. Find ways to make it easier. Everything gets easier with practice! That’s the good news. You can master your thought habits and you can master it more easily. And yes, some things take time.

Chinese bamboo takes 5 or 6 years of invisible growth below the ground before it bursts forth from the dirt and grows to 90 feet within a short period of time. Of course, the seed needed to be planted and the growth nurtured and sustained even while invisible.

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

This is why you must learn to manage your mindset and feelings. So you be, do, have, OR think, feel and act correctly to promote positive change. If you quit, you’re done. If you continue and you learn to win all along the way, you’ll win your way into happiness and success.

The journey is the most important. If you never make it to your destination at least the journey is fantastic. If you commit and persist it’s more likely you will get to your destination too! If you stop you won’t cross the finish line. You only do by doing so.

If you persist in doing what you have always done you will get what you always got. The journey will be the same and the destination remains in the distance. Only you can bridge that gap by taking charge of your mind and your attitude. If it is to be it is up to me!

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

Activate your attitude today. Change your thoughts and transform your life. Get it. Remember, I am here to assist you when you are ready to get what you deserve. Happy to have you enroll in a program so I can help coach you. If you want a life worth celebrating learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Freedom can be yours!

“Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

“This is by far the most comprehensive self help book on the market! And I’ve written 20 self help books all here on Amazon. @rexstevensikes is a genius for writing it and you would do well to get a copy if you truly want to change your life!” Dr LaVerne

Click Here To Get Life On Your Terms Today! amzn.to/3gD7rLG

©2021  Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2021 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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