“I’ve maintained from the start of Covid that it was always a blessing in disguise. I don’t mean the suffering and death, but it presented an opportunity for all of us, globally, to become aware of what has been going on AND the great discrepancies. The disparities.
There have been great inequities and injustices that have been perpetrated and perpetuated for far too long. Covid presents the opportunity to become aware of these. Some people have health care, others don’t and other similar topic areas of concern.
We can have a great leveling up. Often these are preceded by things getting shaken up. Shit happens. Alarms go off. We either sleep through it or arise and learn how to adjust and continue on successfully or remain sleeping and accept whatever has been.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
I believe it’s time for great positive change. When that happens it happens noisily as when water gets noisy before the boil. At 211 degrees water makes lots of noise as molecules collide. At 212 it transforms to steam and a rolling boil. It quiets down. Get this!
We are somewhere close to 211. Transformation is coming. Einstein pointed out that ‘Great spirits must do violent contention with mediocre minds.’ We can certainly see this playing out. We need to be shaken up if we are going to wake up. Apparently, the alarm is on!
We’ll wake up if we’re aware enough. Opportunity exists with and through adversity. It’s all good even if it appears it isn’t, because it IS the opportunity to awaken, become aware, and engineer positive change in the many needed areas. We can do this. We truly can.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Let’s make it a point to become more conscious, more loving, more compassionate and caring, more peaceful, more friendly, more fun and more joyful. Let’s help each other thrive. Let’s make life good for all, not simply the few. It will take action and perseverance.
It may not happen overnight or in an instant but it can happen. It will happen as more people wake up to what’s wrong, all the injustices, and then stop focusing on the problems, but instead, focus on the solutions. Remember, we get what we focus on. Remember this!
Thoughts become things. Energy flows where attention goes. You become what you think about most frequently. This is why focusing on the good and what we can and will do to make positive changes is crucial. If we do nothing, nothing changes. It remains the same.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
There are those who want it to remain the same or get even worse. Knowing that, we must focus on the solutions, not on the problems. Becoming aware of problems is the first step, not the last. Focus on the good to bring about more good. You get what you focus on.
If you consider everything a problem you’ll just create and maintain more problems. If you consider everything a blessing then everything is a blessing. Dictate the circumstances, don’t let circumstances dictate us. Celebrate everything and everything becomes a celebration!” Rex Sikes
Get a $497 BONUS training for free when you purchase my book ‘Life On Your Terms’ from Amazon. Check it out! If you already purchased follow the easy instructions on my website and you’ll get the training too! Learn to master new skills!
“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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