“If you pay attention to this you will discover an important principle that can, and will, help you transform yourself and your life. It is an actual physical phenomenon. Water is noisiest right before it boils. The atoms get agitated by the constant heat. It is part of the process.
It is necessary for the transformation. At 211 degrees it is only hot water. At 212 it becomes steam. It quiets down into a rolling boil. Energy is released. A chemical process has transformed water into steam. You can check this out for yourself. Go to the kitchen…
Liken this to what happens as you begin to make changes and transform. Your old habits and patterns get agitated. Everything gets noisy and stirred up. Circumstances may go haywire for a time being. Atoms are colliding! They want you to remain the same BUT…
If you back off now, you don’t transform. You can’t dabble. If you keep turning the water off when it gets noisy it will never become steam. Remember, steam drives engines. It is energy. Hot water is merely hot water. Don’t turn off the heat or it won’t boil! Get it?
To transform you must develop positive habits. You must keep doing them, correctly, consistently, long enough, (keep the heat on) so they become reliable, automatic and unconscious. Keep doing it consistently and you will transform. If you stop, you won’t. Get it?
There Are Two Types Of Habits – Supportive And Not Supportive
Keep going and you discover your real power. Along the way, live out a major principle of Mind Design™, by having fun. Delight yourself. Surprise yourself. Enjoy the process, and create your best life ever while learning to create your best life ever. Live fully, all the while.
Smile, sing, dance, skip, laugh, love and live! This is why Mind Design™ is fun and enjoyable. You can’t have a boot camp mentality and create more joy and peace, happiness and love. Get it? Those who have joined me understand this. Have fun while transforming.
Keep up the awesomeness! Vibe high. If you don’t know how, that’s why I created the program, so you could. People won’t change if it is too hard. They will start, but quit. However, if you love doing it and you see improvements as a result, you will keep going and benefit!
You Must Condition Yourself For Happiness And Success
I discovered this about water many years ago in Los Angeles. I would put the tea kettle on and go back to the living room or dining room. When I’d hear the noise coming from the kettle in the kitchen I’d run to the stove only to discover it was not boiling yet. Wow, really?
Then I’d stand by and wait until it did. You know what they say about a watched pot not boiling. It is true. After what seemed a very long time, it boiled. Finally, I could make my tea or coffee. This was my routine for some time. Put it on, hear it, run to it, wait, then finally.
After about two years, I realized that when it was noisy it was a signal that it was about to boil. It was about to boil but it hadn’t boiled yet! I learned that when it got quiet, it was boiling. When it got quiet I’d get up, go to the stove and then make my tea.
You Get What You Focus On – Always Focus On The Most Positive
This same principle IS what happens as we endeavor to change and transform. As we are about to transform all hell can break loose. This is a signal if you are aware. You will transform if you keep going, just as water will boil if you keep the heat on it. Do you get this, yet?
You gotta keep the heat on. Some people do all this work and when the going gets tough, the atoms get agitated, they give up. They worry, they doubt, they revert to their old ways. Stop! You can’t do that if you want to get incredible results. You gotta keep going.
This is why it takes some people years and years to change. They do and then they don’t. Then, they do again. Then, they don’t again. They dabble. They are not consistently committed. If the going gets tough keep going. It is a signal you are close. You are truly very close!
The More You Do The More You Become Capable Of Doing
Atoms wouldn’t react and get loud if they weren’t close to boiling. It is only a degree away and it will be boiling water. Things will settle down and become silent. Steam will be produced. Transformation happens. So celebrate the signals you get when things get agitated.
It means you are about to transform, if you stick with it! Don’t give up. Don’t lose faith or doubt. Stay committed. Don’t dabble. Commit to having fun! Commit to seeing it through. Keep the faith. You are on the verge! Enjoy the signal. Enjoy the process. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!
Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch