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“It is easy to miss how well it works. In fact it always works but many people miss it. It never not works. Still, people don’t get it. Do you? Do you realize it is always working? You unconscious mind never stops working for you! It is always going and getting you results.

The issue is unless you know how to run your unconscious mind, some call it subconscious, other than conscious, I prefer non-conscious, it will run you. You will get results that run counter to what you want to get because you aren’t in charge. It is! Get it?

The results you are getting right now, whether you are getting your goals and dreams, IS (are) what you are making happen at the non-conscious level. You are getting the results you always get due to the conditioning you grew up with. Everything is as it is because of this.

You Are Where Your Thought Brought You – Realize This Now

If circumstances suck, your reaction to circumstances either perpetuates it ‘sucking’ or propels you forward. If you aren’t propelled forward into what you want most in life it is because you are currently working  to get the results you are presently getting.

In order to change this, you must first understand this. You create, make happen and attract, from who you already are. You are where your thoughts, feelings and prior conditioning have brought you. If you want your life to change you must change things in your life.

You can’t do what you have always done and expect, or get, different outcomes, results or circumstances. You must take charge of your non-conscious processes and put them to work in your favor. Until you do you will continue on the path you are on. If that sucks, realize it will stay that way until you change yourself. Begin today. Start now. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” RobertBorgsten, Marketing copyrighter, Turku, Finland


Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Royalty free, public domain photo used

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