“KOBE BRYANT’S 10 RULES demonstrate why he was top of his game in his field. These rules devoted to mindset shaped his success. Take them to heart. Keep them in mind. Apply them in your life. Use them to guide you. Become your best too. I’ve added commentary.
1. Get better every single day. Every day do something to improve your thinking, feeling, speaking and actions. Small steps taken consistently in the right direction can take you to Everest’s peak. They did Kobe. Keep making adjustments. Be positive and active.
2. Prove them wrong. Don’t get mad at people who criticize you or think you can’t do it. Don’t be upset with haters or those who ridicule. Don’t waste time on revenge. Just get better and prove them wrong. You’ll feel good about you instead of angry.
Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best Life Ever
3. Work on your weaknesses. Be aware of what you need to improve and develop weakness into strength. You may be great at dribbling the ball but not passing. So work on passing. Then you dribble well and pass well. See Number 1 of Kobe’s rule. Improve bit by bit.
4. Execute what you practiced. I emphasize this a lot. If you don’t apply what you learn it’s of little value. You must put what you know to the test. Do it. Behave it. Don’t just know about it. Riding the bike is better than watching others do it. So do it. Up your game. ACT.
If you practice scales on the piano at some point you must play the songs. Don’t just practice it, but use it. Get into the game. Play the game. Play all out. Play and have fun. You get better when you put your practice into action. Plus, you reap the rewards of doing it.
Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best Life Ever
5. Learn from greatness. Study success. Success leaves clues. Study with good people who are doing what you want to be doing. Learn from those who traveled ahead of you. Get coaching. All top athletes have the best coaches. Most big movie stars do too. Get it!
6. Learn from wins and losses. Winning is great. You feel good. Study what you did to win. Review what worked. Keep practicing and applying that. Learn from losses and failure. Get feedback. What didn’t work and why? Make adjustments. Apply what you discover.
7. Practice mindfulness. Get and be present. Become aware. Let go of thinking negative thoughts. Drop fear, worry, and doubts about the future. Drop sadness, hurt, regret about the past. Get present. Live now. Celebrate now. Only wash the dish when you wash the dish.
Learn How To Manifest Good With Greater Ease And Less Effort
8. Be ambitious. You can’t travel far sitting on your sofa. Get eager, enthused and excited about making your dreams come true. Stop hesitating. Start taking steps to make things happen. Intend to create good. Get better at it. Decide to rise to the top. Go for it.
9. Believe in your team. No one is a completely self-made person. We get richer when others give us money. We get better and farther traveling with others who are the best at what they do. Don’t try to be top dog. You’ll be much better surrounding yourself with the best.
Be part of a successful team. When you rise to the top others will want you on their team. Work together in harmony. Believe in the people who you work with, play with and get coaching from. Work together in harmony. Share the credit. Celebrate everyone’s success.
CLICK HERE: Change Your Thoughts To Create Your Best Life Ever
10. Learn storytelling. Decide what your story is. Make it wonderful. Why are you here? What’s your purpose. Tell yourself. Speak nicely to yourself at all times. Develop positive, encouraging self-talk. Remind yourself of your story when things are troublesome.
Get good at telling yourself your positive story. You’ll feel better. When you feel better you can accomplish more and move further ahead, Also earn the actual art of telling stories. It makes you more interesting and engaging. You can help more people.
Tell positive stories to uplift them. Stories illustrate the lessons and are more memorable. They serve as good examples. Collect positive stories. Fill your mind with inspiration. Inspire yourself and others. Get good at communicating with your self and with others.
Change Your Thoughts To Create Your Best Life Ever
There, you have the 10 Kobe Bryant Rules with my commentary. Kobe was much loved because he was one of the best, but also because he lived well and treated others the same. He proved you could get to the top without being a jerk. He walked his talk with integrity.
He rose to the top because he lived well, We all got to discover who he was and enjoy how he played. How about you do the same? Apply what you learned today. GO FIRST means don’t hesitate. Take action. Those moving get further than those who don’t. Go FIRST!
Those who hesitate, wait and miss out. If you want to get something from others give to others first. If you want others to listen to you start by listening to them first. Don’t demand to be treated better. Start by treating others better first and they’ll reciprocate.
Go First And You’ll Improve Your Life Enjoy The Process
If you want someone to love you. become more loving and lovable first. Then, it’s far more likely you’ll attract the right person. Apply what you learn. Take action and transform. If you consider everything a blessing, everything is a blessing. Attitude and mindset is everything. This is why I tell you to always celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms
“This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)
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©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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