“I’m reposting this from Nov. 15, 2015 because I referenced the event (9/20/21) in my Facebook Live Day 7 How To Manifest What You Want Video. I thought it’d be nice for those who watched the video AND the principles are important enough to share again. ###
‘I took another 24-hour challenge manifestation challenge. Perhaps, you read about my earlier one within these blog pages. This one proved fascinating as well. You can do these too, there is nothing preventing you.
Well, I suppose a closed mind; a cynical mind; an unwillingness to be open and experiment; there could be things stopping you but there needn’t be. AND you may have manifested some pretty wonderful things already, anyway. Feel free to share and leave comments.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
I was challenged to manifest something specific. It could be anything but it had to be specific. I had 24 hours and it had to come to me in an unexpected way BUT I knew what it was I was supposed to get.
This differed from the first challenge of manifest an unexpected good and see what turns up. Okay, I am game. Plus, I know that our Reticular Activating System could be sensitized.
For example, when you purchase a new car (could be anything, a shirt, coat, shoes) you begin to notice all the other same Makes and Models on the road you never did before. This is your brain finding those examples. Your awareness becomes piqued.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
For my challenge, I wanted something I didn’t think I would easily find without looking for it. I reasoned winter is coming. It is mid-November what presents a challenge. I finally decided on goldfish.
I thought finding images of goldfish or real goldfish would be unlikely at this time. Later, it occurred to me I might find the snack crackers somewhere. I even visited a grocery store, not with that in mind, but didn’t travel down the snack cracker aisle.
Plus, I had been covering a film festival which just ended. My challenge would end at 6pm during the festival. This meant that from 6pm to 6pm most likely I was in the theater watching the films or back at the hotel writing these blogs.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
There weren’t any goldfish in anything. I’m in the darkened theater with only 10 minutes to go on this 24-hour challenge, A charming movie from California, a comedy romance, called, ‘Dirty Beautiful’ had just finished. NO goldfish!
The movie ended. I was where I had been all day, in the back at the computer table, blogging and working. Enamored, I wanted to learn more about the director, cast and crew. I went to imdb.com
I looked at the lead actress bio because she seemed familiar. Then I turned my attention to the lead actor. I very much enjoyed him in this role. I went to his credits. I didn’t even catch it at first but third credit from the top, a short film he appears in, ‘Goldfish’.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
At first, it didn’t even occur to me that I had just discovered, goldfish with only minutes to go. Then I chuckled. With 8 minutes to go in my 24-hour manifestation challenge, I found my target, without looking for it.
Coincidence? Perhaps. Some are bound to say so. All I know is I take the win. It was not in the form I expected, it was the title on a website, not the image or a real or fake one. Still, it was there none-the-less. You can find it if you look.
I wasn’t looking for it. I had no reason to look up the movie, but found it charming and decided I wanted to know more about the cast and director. I didn’t know 24 hours earlier that I would be doing any of this when I chose goldfish as my target.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Sure it can be a coincidence. Nothing wrong with that either, if that is what it is. All I know is that within my 24-hour window a specific request or directive was met in an unusual and unexpected way. I think that is cool and I got what I asked for.
I think the world is a large enough, magnificent place, where we don’t know how everything works. We don’t have to know how it works, we still don’t understand electricity. Heck, I don’t understand how most things work. A TV remote, as another example.
What I do know was I set an intention. I wanted to in some fashion have goldfish come into my awareness within 24 hours without me actively searching to find it. My job isn’t to force it. My job is to allow it. Put the intention out there and see what shows up, if anything.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Win! Celebration is the name of this game. I’m delighted. Next!’ Rex Sikes
Delight in this day!
*If you like this blog please share it with others who can use some inspiration too!
Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes
PS In my FB video (available on my Rex Sikes profile wall) I recalled it as closer to the deadline than 8 minutes, and some minor details are changed, but the point remains the same. You can do this!
Take your first steps toward transformation and transcendence!
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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