“It isn’t self-sabotage it’s self-fulfilling prophecy that is the issue. Realize you can’t sabotage yourself. That’s a silly psychological notion to explain why you don’t act on your own behalf or do the things you claim you want to. It’s an excuse besides being silly and a detrimental notion. What is going on is self-fulfilling prophecy. You think and believe the worst and you produce the worst. Job said it best.
‘That which I fear has come upon me.’ How on earth do you think a brain that is flesh and blood that works on electricity and chemicals, decides to work against you. As if there is another version of you within that is attempting to thwart you from being happy or successful just because it can. Whaaaaat? What kind of nonsense do you believe? It’s far more likely you have a system that is made of learned habits.
When you attempt to go counter to those habits you meet the habit. You fall back into your conditioning. You change your mind, but you haven’t changed your habits yet. They’re there and they’re strong and seem hard to change BECAUSE you really do want them that way. You don’t want confusion. If you changed habits at every whim you’d be overwhelmed. There’d be little consistency from day to day or moment to moment.
If any! Your habits inform you what you learned along the way. If you now want to change them and find it hard it’s’ not because you are sabotaging yourself. It’s that you haven’t yet learned how to change them. Since you think it will be tough, that prophecy is what you find. You are fulfilling what you presently think about the likelihood of happiness and success, or your ability to change easily.
If you think something is a problem all your thoughts and expectations are that it is a problem. Hence you are likely to find it as one. You confirm what you already suspect or know. You live from your beliefs. You find what you believe. What your reality is IS your creation. What you focus on you become. You are not sabotaging yourself. You are remaining consistent in the face of desiring a change.
Instead of blaming yourself for fighting you which only wastes time and creates more sameness, learn how to change your thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving habits. Blaming and excusing harms you. Taking charge and doing something productive helps. Get over it. There is no self-sabotage. There is only a brain that functions to help you survive by noticing and eliminating threats AND helps you to thrive.
It does what it learned to do. You don’t like it that it learned some ‘bad’ habits but that’s simply the case. Some think chewing their hair, biting their nails, smoking or swearing, overeating and more are bad habits. They are really just habits. We may or may not like them. YOUR brain doesn’t care. It will overeat or starve itself depending on what it learned. It will smoke, chew or not depending on what it learned.
The brain doesn’t judge. YOU DO! You have some habits for years and then you want to change. You find it tough. You either learn to change them and persist, or you quit and give in. Blaming doesn’t change anything. Nor do excuses. What most people fail to realize is these so-called bad or harmful habits pale when compared to the crappy thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving habits most people are not aware of.
Because they aren’t aware of what they do from habit, they do nothing to change. BUT when they do realize they are having problems and want to change they complain that it is hard, or they sabotage themselves WHICH are crappy thinking habits they don’t notice they are doing. If you do the smalls things repeatedly nothing changes. Then what? They complain and whine and snivel some more. I keep sabotaging myself.
Okay, if you believe it to be true then you are. Self-fulfilling prophecy fulfilled! Congratulations. You proved to yourself that somehow you are broken and can’t be fixed because it’s out of your control. Whine, whine, whine. Instead, take charge. If you want a horse to go where you want it to go you must train it to do what you want. The same is true with your mind and brain. You must learn how to give it directions.
You must learn how to RE-condition your brain so that it does the things you want automatically and reliably instead of defaulting to what you don’t. If you want to take charge stop complaining and excusing and whining and learn the other way to do things. Learn to activate a positive attitude that sees you through all difficulty. An attitude that helps you condition your mind for health, wealth, happiness and success.
Develop the good habits that support you and release and let go of the ones that don’t. Don’t hate them or judge them. That only pours energy into them by giving them attention. Remove the attention from them and focus on what you DO want. Let go. Shift! Focus. ou need to STOP what you are doing. nterrupt the pattern or habit. Take a pause and get into neutral. Then shift into what you do want and maintain that focus.
I It’s the process I used to make the Attitude Activator™ my best-selling transformational program. Stop. Pause. Shift. You can do it on your own or you can use the Attitude Activator™ to transform and make positive changes more swiftly and easily. It does the heavy lifting. The bottom line is whining and explanations don’t change us. Energy flows where attention goes.
If you keep putting attention on things you don’t want by repeatedly thinking about them over and over, feeling bad, speaking about it by whining and blaming AND then continuing to act the same way you don’t change. You perpetuate what already is that you want to be free from. If you want to be free you just free yourself. I’ve told you how. I show you how. I’ve an audio program to help you.
If you want to change, the answer is here. Activate your attitude. Stop reinforcing the bad and start and maintain the good. You know… out with the bad air and in with the good. Garbage In Garbage Out GIGO what you eat comes out of you. Put crap in your mind or body and it takes a toll. You need to feed yourself good thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Your power and energy flow where you put your attention.
Get the help you need to make the changes you want. Use the Attitude Activator™ or do it by yourself. Either way, do it. Otherwise, nothing changes no matter how you blame yourself, others, whine and explain. People say they want to change and then whine that it’s too hard or they sabotage themselves. STOP perpetuating these lies! If you want to change, CHANGE! Take charge. Train your brain. I’m here to help. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Want immediate help to think, feel, act and get better results? THEN Get the Attitude Activator™ today!

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If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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