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“What quality determines if you’ll succeed in your career? In life? Without it, few ever make their dreams come true. You need this to be happy, healthy and wealthy. You can be, do and have anything you want in life if you embrace this quality. It is persistence. You must be able to carry on when others would quit. You must be able to face hardship head on and keep going.

You must be unstoppable and not give up. If you persist you can one day have what you want. Persistence means not only that you don’t give up BUT that you are willing to do those things others won’t. If you go beyond what others are willing to do you can write your own ticket. Take one small, positive step in the direction of your goal daily and you will get there.  Do not allow yourself to be distracted.

Do not miss a single day in the pursuit of your goal. See it through. Only those who quit are those who fail. Everything else is only a temporary setback. Whether it seems large or small is up to you and your attitude. Make mountains into mole hills. That’s our job. Take what energy is offered and transform it to your liking. That’s really all you are doing. You are transforming the energy. Stick with it.


You will succeed. It may take many attempts but keep going. Be consistent. Stay dedicated. Keep your passion high. Remain optimistic and certain you’ll get through whatever difficulty you face. Difficulty isn’t there to prevent you but to hone you. If you skip a day it is likely you’ll skip other days. Don’t. BUT if it happened get back on track and stay on track. Skipping or failing to get back on track is how people drift away from their goal.

They cheat, skip, give in and give up. If you want to succeed, take at least one small positive, legal step every day. Each day make at least one small action. If you commit to reading inspirational material each day and for some reason run out of time, read a page. Read one sentence but read. Don’t just skip it and think you will do more or do double tomorrow. Keep your commitment to today. Being dedicated to your process will make you a winner. See difficulty as a blessing and you’ll discover much you didn’t realize. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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