“As we approach the concept of being a leader AND the Los Angeles Tribune Leadership Week May 1-7, which I am proud to help produce and host, I bring attention to the 3rd Universal Law of Karma. These laws are outstanding principles that we can use to help improve ourselves and our world. The 1st law is Cause and Effect. It states, ‘what you sow, you reap. This is important.
As a leader, what you put out, returns to you. It’s why I say when you throw a boomerang a boomerang returns, not a teacup. So, always put out your best. Be the most loving, caring and kind. Be compassionate. Stop wanting and wishing and feeling frustrated, fearful, doubtful or desperate, because when you focus on those, and lack you create more of the same. Stop.
Only entertain the best thoughts, feelings, words, actions and practices. Because what you sow you reap. The 2nd Law is Creation wants you to understand that behind every creation IS a creator. Your current and future, and past circumstances are the result of what you created. What you sow you reap. If you want positive circumstances, you must think and take positive action.
Nothing happens on its own, without a creator or a creative process. Think, feel, speak, and act your very best to create the very best and to navigate the tough times. Understand you are 100%. The 3rd Law is Humility. This is an important law. They all are. Understand this.
Understand that more can be said about each law. I share different aspects in other posts. I am presenting a lot in a nutshell each time. Going deeper into the laws is a fruitful exploration. The great law finds more explanation in Newton’s Laws. For every cause there is an equal and opposite effect and for every effect there is a cause. Ancients knew this long ago. Study these.
The Law of Humility tells us you and I create our current reality. It is said in the other two laws as well, but this law encourages us to accept it. We caused things to happen through our thinking, feelings, words, choices, actions, practices and energy. It isn’t about others or the circumstances, it is understanding and accepting your role in the creation process so you can change it. Get this.
To change something, you need to first become aware of what needs changing. Then YOU must accept it. To change the circumstances, you are in you must first accept the role you played in creating them. By being willing to accept your role you remove the blinders, the blind spots so you can see what you must change to create the life you want. Embrace your role as the creator!
The Law of Humility encourages you and me to be humble. Be humble and understand that you are the cause and the creator of your circumstances. Understand that these laws reflect on each other. They are interconnected. Your current situation and your future ones are the result of your past or present thoughts, feelings, words, actions and practices. Own your results.
You must be humble ENOUGH to be able to see and realize and appreciate your part in the process. Evaluate, reflect on who you are and what you do that creates what you experience. Don’t blame others or seek excuses. Be humble. Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are part of the process. When experimenting and you don’t get the results you want, you adjust. Get it.
We succeed through failure and hardship when we understand the process. When we don’t get frustrated and quit. Understand success is a series of failures. To learn from mistakes, you have to be willing and able to accept them. Some can’t yet. They blame and excuse. You can succeed more readily when you first learn from your mistakes. Be humble enough to accept this.
When it comes to being a leader, be humble. It is not about you. It’s about the outcomes or results. It’s about the people who gather around. Be humble enough to give credit to the team who helps. Remember a rising tide floats the boat and everyone in it. It’s not just the captain who should get credit. Give credit. Uplift. Edify. Give recognition and praise. Encourage and nurture.
Seek harmony, cooperation and collaboration. A visionary on a mission need those who can embrace the mission. They, even more than the leader, will be the people who help make that happen because the leader can’t do it all alone. However, the leader sets the tone and the vibe. Leadership is top down and if you want exemplary boots on the ground be an example of it.
Walk the talk and talk the walk. Be congruent. Be approve reproach. What you do it the light, onstage, do in the darkness, backstage too. Be compassionate, kind, caring and helpful. BE accountable when the team or anyone makes mistakes. After all they are in your care and following your lead. Assume accountability and responsibility. Don’t evade it or tack it to others.
Create an experience where all can grow and flourish. I’m fond of saying leaders never say they are a leader. That is hubris. Others may call them leaders. And remember it is about them and the results it is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! Not only share the spotlight but stop talking so much about you! A leader is a tour guide. The tour guide points out pitfalls and points of interest for others.
The tour guide doesn’t talk about the tour guide but about what you see, hear, feel and experience on the tour. The bus driver doesn’t talk about the bus driver. So many people today blow their horns because they believe for others to follow, they must know who you are. Remember, you are known by your actions more than your words. Actions speak louder. Get it.
Stop bragging to try to influence. Be an example and the influencer will flow. Speak less. Listen more. Understand and help people solve problems and move ahead without it being all about you and how you are different and save them. That’s boring. It’s overdone today and it is boring. Jesus didn’t brag about feeding the 5 thousand or healing and helping others. He just did it.
People spread his message. He didn’t post his picture on billboards. Get it. Be humble and stay humble. Why, because it helps you be in touch with who you authentically are and informs your mission. If you get egotistical and unrealistic about you, your vision will become confused, your mission will get sidetracked and the results you get won’t be satisfying to anyone but maybe you.
Stop bragging. Add value. Let the others do the bragging for you AND the will if you are authentic and worth it. If your primary desire is to add value to them, to uplift and edify to help them overcome limitations and break free they will be your press agent. Word of mouth will spread. Concentrate on helpful actions and outcomes and let them sing the praises and spread the word.
No one likes a braggart. People do like people who walk their talk and who are genuine and genuinely helpful. It’s less important and fulfilling to brag than to get incredible results that others brag about and share the news with others. Stay humble. Stay humble enough to learn from mistakes and adjust so you create the outcomes for yourself and others you desire.
After all, cause and effect are the law, and you are a creator. Stop creating dog crap and create diamonds and good for all. If you are interested, I have a 3 part video series on YouTube reflecting on leadership as encouraged by Napoleon Hill. It is a casual presentation by me on the traits and qualities that make one a good leader. I recorded it outdoors. Videos are 20 -30 min.
From it you can learn, embrace and practice the principles to become a better leader BECAUSE to lead others you should first know how to lead yourself. You can watch it here. I posted the 1st of 3. While there, you can ask questions, comment, like, Subscribe for more videos, hit the notification bell above AND you can share for others. Enjoy it, and stay connected with me. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Moe Rock, CEO The Los Angeles Tribune says, “One of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.”

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©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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