“All you have to say or do is say, ‘hey, I am not perfect. If I were, I’d have said (or done) ____________ instead.’ or ”Thanks for understanding what I meant to say was ________ and if you’d enjoy a teachable moment… always be willing to acknowledge your mistakes and make corrections. Learn from them, don’t run from them. Be willing to make the adjustment and accept responsibility for everything you do. When we hold ourselves accountable and responsible we change more easily. When we are willing and humble enough to accept, we are not perfect, but in process, we learn and can excel much more swiftly. Ultimately, there are no mistakes, no obstacles or hardship, no problems or problem people, only opportunities to learn and to better and benefit all.’

If you make a mistake, it’s okay. We all make them. Correct it. Make amends. Make restitution. Accept the consequences. Stop blaming self, others, circumstances. Stop making excuses. People don’t like complaints, whines, accusations, or reasons and excuses. Be big enough to say, ‘oops. I screwed up but I can do better. What can I do to make it better or resolve this. Please forgive. I’m sorry. I promise not to do it again.’ Keep your word!

Actions speak louder than words. You’re known by the example you live. You’re known by who you are and what you do. You’re known by the company you seek and keep. Your words matter little if your actions don’t back them up. Walk your talk. Talk your walk. Uplift and edify. Have the courage to be a positive, authentic example of a person in process. We ain’t done until we transition from this planet and then we still aren’t done. Get this.


Live and learn. Learn to laugh about your problems and mistakes. Never take yourself seriously. Be able to laugh. Learn from mistakes, don’t run from them. Live, learn, love, laugh and celebrate everything! WHEN you can do this, you have transformed yourself and the world. It doesn’t mean you stop making mistakes. It means you become more aware of the opportunities there are for you to do good for others and yourself. So live and learn and laugh and love. Spread it over everything you say and do and to all others. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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