What is an affirmation? It could be an accurate observation of the current moment. It could be a statement of fact. It could be an opinion. It is a declaration and an assertion. It is positive and to use the word itself it is affirming. It promotes well-being and positivity. It’s designed to encourage and support.
Continued from: The Power of Thinking Positive! How To Make Your Thoughts Work For You Parts 1- 5
Abundance is a current buzzword that some enjoy and some are growing tired of. I think it’s worthy to use for examination. Try this on: ‘We live in an abundant universe. Abundance flows to me and through me. I deserve riches and all good things. I am wealthy in every way. I give to and I help others from my abundance’.
Some people will say, ‘nope we live in a world where resources are being depleted and there are too many people’. That may be. Still, there is at this time, plenty of air, sun, darkness, food, water, money and everything else needed for everyone on the planet to thrive.
The biggest problem for us is not that these things are scarce but that people don’t have access to them. That’s sad. Very sad. It’s unfortunate and people should act to rectify it. It’s horrible when the political powers in charge allow or force people to go without. Yes, it’s sad because food, water and resources are plentiful but people are prevented. Everyone deserves health, wealth, well-being and the pursuit of happiness. This, however, is a discussion for elsewhere.
There is plenty to go around. There is plenty of power and electricity, all types of necessary goods, frivolous items, and money. There is so much money. Money is everywhere! Some have much more than others. Many of those who do have money attempt to thwart other’s access to it. Still, there is more than enough money everywhere. There are scores of wealthy people everywhere. Many millionaires and beyond have made their money in the best and the worst of times. Money is plentiful always.
Consider that none of the statements regarding abundance might be accurate. Or they all could be or just some parts of them could be true. After all, the statements are just sentences. You either agree with them or you don’t. You decide what to agree with or disagree with. You have your own reasons or excuses.
You will experience the lifestyle that accompanies your beliefs about those simple sentences. You’ll either have more than enough, enough, just enough or not enough. You determine it all by what you think, believe and where you place the cause of the lifestyle you live. You either accept yourself as the cause of it all or you put it off onto others or circumstances or both.
If you put it off onto others there’s probably little you can do about it. Unless you learn how to better communicate with them regarding your needs so you can improve your lot. If it’s circumstances holding you back then either you give up and allow them to dictate your life or you find a way to legally alter them for your benefit. If you accept responsibility for yourself and your lifestyle you can change whatever you need to change in order to change your lifestyle.

Let’s briefly examine some of the example statements and find out what the upside and downside to thinking that way is. We live in an abundant universe. Of course, someone could object stating that everything is limited and that we are wasteful. They could assert that if we aren’t vigilant we will run out. There’s not enough for everyone and there are people in poverty.
This is not an illogical nor necessarily false statement. It’s a view of current circumstances. The person who embraces this view may embrace the idea they ought to be helping others because they believe it’s important. They may practice conserving their money or they may give away their money OR they may do nothing but live in fear and worry. Anything is possible.
The person who believes there’s abundance could be a pig and a hoarder and consume wantonly without regard for others. This is possible. On the other hand, they could see the world as a friendly place with enough to go around for all. This may inspire them to work so all people have access to resources. They may be inspired to create all manner of wealth, beautiful experiences and good things.
Few, if any, people get rich focused on poverty. Those who get rich make their riches because they turn their backs on poverty. They don’t focus on scarcity and what they don’t have. Instead, they focus on creating what they want. They know what they want and where they want to get to. They are driven to accumulate.
To declare a war on poverty, while well-meaning, places the emphasis in the wrong place. Instead of wiping out poverty let’s create and utilize abundance. Let’s make sure people have all they need and not just basic necessities. To create wealth and well-being for all should be the goal but it isn’t.
To declare war on anything seems a less than optimal way to make changes in our world. It focuses on what we want to eliminate, but does not give clear picture or indication what we want to build and have instead. This has been proven over and over again.
The goal isn’t to eradicate poverty but to ensure all people have more than enough. The person who thinks and believes the world is plentiful finds examples to support that point of view. Just as the person who thinks scarcity is the state of the world, finds examples to support their viewpoint.
There is more that I don’t know than I could ever possibly know. If I err, I prefer to err on the side of what can be done and what is positive and hopeful than otherwise. I could be wrong about the world being abundant but I know it feels better to believe it is. Do you get this?
One point of view is not more right than the other in my world, but some make us feel better than others. There are some people who extract great joy in feeling bad but most people seem to want to feel good. In order to feel better, we need to think the thoughts that make us feel better. Feeling just okay is not an option.

We need to choose what makes us feel the best and put our attention on that. The goal is to live fully and joyfully feeling wonderful as much of the time as we can. Years ago, I declared this world my garden paradise. I claimed ownership. I realized I could either have an ecstatic life or I could have something else. I opted for an ecstatic life. I realized that there are also plenty of co-owners I share this planet with and determined we could all celebrate. If we only would.
I prefer to include everyone in my abundant world. Not everyone will gain or have everything they need or want. There are poor. I don’t blame them. It’s not my place to judge. I prefer to operate from the Golden Rule and what great religious leaders, philosophers and visionaries have had to say about compassion, understanding and ministering to those. I believe givers get but that is not the reason to give. Give simply to give.
Some people will agree completely with each of these statements I used as examples. Others may not. ‘The universe is plentiful. I deserve and attract all good things. I am wealthy in every way. Because I am wealthy I help others.’ Some may not feel that they deserve riches. They may not feel like they attract good things.
If you don’t feel that you deserve riches, if you don’t feel wealthy now, most likely you won’t be or become wealthy any time soon. This is because wealth, just like health and well-being is a mindset. It’s the adoption of and the adherence to certain attitudes and principles. The wealthy look at themselves and the world differently than those who don’t enjoy it. We’ll examine this more later.
In order to HAVE wealth (or anything; a relationship, health, a parent) one must first BE the kind of person who can have it. In order to have things you need to BE AND DO FIRST. In order to be rich, you need to think rich thoughts. In order to be healthy, you need to think healthy thoughts. In order to attract a loving partner, you need to be a loving partner first.
You can DO everything right and work hard but if your attitude and mind set, if your thoughts and beliefs don’t support and encourage you, it’s unlikely you will have wealth, health or much happiness. Unless you get really lucky and inherit it or win the lottery, etc. ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so he is’ is a nice Biblical saying that says, ‘You are your thoughts’.
The wealthy don’t think impoverishing, lackluster, deprecating thoughts. They may or may not practice affirmations as we discuss here but they certainly think differently than most of the rest of the world. They most assuredly feel they deserve to be wealthy and that money is plentiful, easy to make and grow. They see opportunity all around them because they’re primed to see it. If they loose money, they’ll just make some more. Money is to enjoy life. Abundance is wonderful!
Their thoughts, their attitude is primed to help them advance. We can adopt the good components of their mind set to advance ourselves as well. The same is true about people who have healthy loving relationships, are great parents, athletes and are successful in any other ways. Attitude is everything. Attitude determines your altitude! AND if it is possible for one, it is possible for all.
Affirmations help us to look for examples in the world around us and find them. People erroneously think ‘Seeing is believing’ but it’s actually reversed. ‘What we believe determines what we see’. This is verified over and over again by research. Also, we tend to live up to the expectations placed on us by others and by ourselves. Our mind set is critical to how far we’re able to go and what we’re able to be and do.
When you begin to look for good things around you instead of bad things you will find them. The affirmation is an organizing principle around which you wrap your perceptions. You will find reasons to be joyful, happy, healthy and whole. If you look for the negative, the hurtful, the unfair you will find those too. What you seek you will find. What are you seeking most of the time?

Affirmations filter and organize your thoughts and determine what you pay attention to. Look for and notice that which helps you feel great. Look around and notice what’s good, great, and wonderful! Notice what you’re thankful for and delighted in more and more during your day. Stop paying attention to the negative, the less than glorious and what makes you feel bad. What do you spend most of your time doing?
Start validating the good things. Don’t put energy into the bad things. It’s NOT about wearing rosy-tinted glasses and ignoring needs and problems. It’s about being in a positive and productive place to meet those needs and solve those problems. Much more is possible and probable when you feel better. You’re far more resourceful when you feel good.
Don’t let yourself get bogged down in negative or bad feelings when facing difficulty.
When you think abundantly you begin to realize everything is an opportunity. When all of your energy is the highest and in the most positive form you attract other like-minded people to you. Your mind opens you up to possibilities and you’re more readily able to recognize opportunity and positive circumstances and events as they occur.
As you invest in yourself and grow your stock in yourself, your confidence and your sense of worth soars. You’ll move differently in the world and travel to different places too. You’ll have the mindset to find advantages and to act resourcefully. It all begins within you! Unfortunately, too many people think it comes from the outside. That’s why there are so many not living the life they want to live. Your thoughts make it so!
Affirmations help you organize your thoughts so you are able to see what else is possible in you and around you. They’re positive thoughts and statements we can embrace and operate from to feel better and do better. I would rather fill my mind with thoughts of encouragement and support than anything otherwise. Wouldn’t you?” Rex Sikes
We will continue to discuss this further in upcoming posts.
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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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