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water cant sink a ship

“It has been said that fear and anxiety, worry is negative goal setting. When you worry you are planning to have the very thing you don’t want. STOP! Once you discover yourself doing this STOP IT.

Stop planning for negatives, stop attracting what you don’t want and change it to what you do want. Recognize that you were behaving a certain way, stop it, and begin to behave and think in a new way.

Awareness in the moment is the key. Once you recognize you are acting in less than productive ways you can decide to stop and change it. As long as you are ignorant of the fact there will be no difference. Be thankful when your feel bad because that is a signal you can use to make the change. It is a signal alerting you that you have the opportunity to make a choice.

Either continue to do what you have been doing and keep getting what you do not want OR take charge and make a change right this moment to get what you want to have. You can change in this very instant. Be thankful you recognized the signal.  Be thankful it got your attention, finally!

You can’t eliminate negative thoughts  BUT you can transmute them into positive, productive, powerful thoughts. When you transform your thinking you transform your life. Now is your opportunity.

Whenever you are thinking less than gloriously stop and begin to think about what you are grateful for. Make a list and write down who you love, like and appreciate. Consider when and where you are lucky to have certain people in your life; your family, friends, co-workers, boss, employees. Remember who appreciates you too!

your mind is garden grow flowers or weeds

Take an inventory of the things you do have and the things you do that you feel  glad about. Look around at all the reasons you have to feel thankful. Look for love, peace, harmony, well-being, health, friendship, relaxation, pleasure, confidence. Anything and everything!

Change your focus. Stop worry, fear, anxiety, depression, feeling sorry for yourself and transform it. Steer yourself gently back to feeling better bit by bit.  Focus on what you have and what you want in your life. Imagine the better future. See yourself already in possession of what you want, living the life you dream. Visualize it vividly and often. Feel wonderful as you do. Enjoy theses feelings. Be enthusiastic!

You can’t move forward thinking backward thoughts. You need to place your attention, your concentration and your energy into what you do want and keep it there. You don’t get healthy by thinking unhealthy thoughts. You don’t get rich by thinking how broke you are. You move forward by determining where you want to end up.

Some people may use ‘bad times’ and ‘lack’ to motivate them. They say ‘Never Again!’ or ‘I won’t be poor’, and then they turn their back on the negative. Then they put their energy into creating and moving toward what they do want. They shift their focus from the painful stimulus to the positive prize and go after the prize. They keep their focus consistent. They do not let anything prevent them, no matter what.

The difference between those born to privilege, the silver spooners, and the rest of the population, is that the silver spoon mindset never considers that they can’t, or that they won’t succeed. If they want something they feel entitled to it.  The  born wealthy assume they can and will have it. They don’t doubt or fear not getting it. Yes, they are raised this way! Yes, they may even feel superior and snobby.

don't sit around waiting forwaever

YOU can begin to think this way without being a snob. You can begin to realize if you want anything in this world you deserve it.  You are as much entitled to it as anyone else. We all are! There is a legal, healthy way to make it happen for yourself when you first start believing that YOU can make it happen. Develop a positive, productive, powerful, CAN DO mindset!

As you do these things consistently you form a positive habit. Do these, when you don’t need to do them, so that when you do need them you are prepared. Do these things repeatedly and  you will build a habit that works automatically and reliably for you. Learn to face hard times with a smile knowing you can get through anything you are presented with AND YOU WILL! Become unstoppable.

Appreciate the present! Celebrate everything. Seek to feel wonderful each moment. Set your positive goals and make them happen. The more you do this the easier it becomes and the more time you will spend living this way! You will shift the balance of your thoughts, feelings, behavior and life to the positive. Your life will become so much more wonderful! Enjoy it, delight in it. Start now.

It all begins with thought. It begins with your own personal power and energy. Stop giving attention to what you do not want and give your attention and energy to that which you do. Create and attract what is good for you. ” Rex Sikes

Find fun, humor and laughter whenever and wherever you can today!

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