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success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out

“Make today count! Meditate or think on this: ‘We become what we think about most of the time’.

What do you think about most frequently, what fills your thoughts throughout the day? Are they thoughts of happiness, well-being, positive action thoughts or whining, complaining and worry?

What you hold in your mind you hold in your body. Your feelings and actions are a result of your thinking AND vice versa. If you want your life to change for the better you have to change things in your life FOR THE BETTER.

So today become aware of where you spend your mind time, what you think about most frequently.

It doesn’t matter why you spend time thinking what you think. No reason or justification is necessary. No excuses either!

Just examine your thinking process and decide does it serve you as best it could or not? If not then improve it. If you want your life to change it is completely up to you.

Become aware and notice. Don’t judge, don’t chide yourself just notice what you mostly do and opt to make whatever you think better.

Make yourself think and feel a little more positive.

Put your attention on what is the best of yourself, other people, the event or situation. Focus on the good thoughts and feelings. Find the best and concentrate on staying with the best. Fill your mind and being with delight, appreciation, positive thoughts and feelings and notice the difference when you do this.

How much time each day do you nurture and nourish yourself? Make it a point to add to it. Amaze and astonish yourself. Celebrate and enjoy!” Rex SIkes

Marvel in each moment!

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