“Some people worry that thinking a less-than-glorious thought will manifest negativity. Well, it doesn’t quite work like that. You think countless thoughts daily. Meditators understand they are not their thoughts. They train themselves to observe their thoughts without identifying with them. They are the thinker, not the thought. You are, too. A thought is like a musical note. One note doesn’t make a concerto.
One thought, whether positive or negative, is just a thought. Yet some fear that merely being exposed to a thought, seeing it, hearing it, reading it, or thinking it, means they’re inviting negativity. Nope. It’s not a single thought or a single note; it’s the accumulation of thoughts that has weight. A single feather is light. A pound of feathers is heavy because many light things are grouped together.
One feather has little weight; a pound of feathers has mass. Get it? Your vibration isn’t determined by one random or infrequent thought but by the thoughts you entertain most often. If you are frequently negative, thinking many negative thoughts, then yes, it has an effect. But fearing a thought? That’s fear! A single thought doesn’t typically manifest anything. Life would be far different if it did. Stop fearing a feather. Move on from it.
If you hear bad news, see something unsettling on TV, or read something negative but don’t dwell on it, it’s not a big deal. You can be informed without ruin. You’d never be able to problem solve if you don’t realize what you don’t want, like or will tolerate. You can be aware of a problem without being consumed or ruled by the problem or the negative thought. In fact, knowing what you don’t want can aim you at what you do want.
It’s how you do it that matters most. If you fixate on it and think about it frequently or obsessively, then you become more susceptible to negativity. Why am I writing this? Because some people limit their exposure to family or friends, labeling them as “negative” or “energy vampires,” worrying that they’ll be “infected.” Well, if you believe that, yes, maybe. Thinking makes it so. What you focus on expands.
You become what you think about most of the time. Exposure to negativity won’t likely affect you unless you entertain it and allow it to take root. If you move on from it, it won’t have much impact. But if you dwell on it and get consumed by it, then yes, you’re giving it more power. Energy flows where attention goes. Stop and don’t worry about a random negative thought. The world is full of both positive and negative energies.
There’s push and pull, day and night, good and bad, in and out. A bird needs both wings to fly. You manifest based on who you are and what your energy is most of the time. If one random thought had the power to manifest disaster, life would be a nightmare. It’s not the thought itself but the journey into negativity that matters. You must be able to live practically without fearing your own thoughts.
Running from negativity gives it more power than it deserves, just like being afraid of the dark gives the dark unnecessary power. No one can rain on your parade unless you let them. Napoleon Hill pointed out that no thought can dominate you without your permission, just as a vampire can’t enter your home without an invitation. So, don’t be afraid of your thoughts, be their master.
If you run from them, you give them power. You are more powerful than any thought. But if you repeat negative thoughts until they become habitual, that will affect your vibration. So yes, aim to think positively and optimistically, but don’t worry about the occasional negative thought. Move on. Think positively. Shift, without blaming yourself or anything else. Keep moving. Learn to create what you want. That IS the goal.
If one thought had that much power, for heaven’s sake, don’t think of an elephant in your living room! Get it? Be mostly positive without fearing negativity. Otherwise, that fear governs you, trapping you in a loop. You can watch the news and be informed without it ruining your day. You can express displeasure or critique without manifesting negativity. A mistake is just a mistake, whether big or small.
It’s not the same as making the same mistake repeatedly. I bring this up because some people feel chased by negative thoughts, expressions, or people they deem negative, as if that could ruin them. It won’t, if you understand that you are bigger than that. If it’s true we think 65,000 or more thoughts a day, it would be great if they were all positive, but that’s unlikely. The problem arises when most of them are negative.
Often that’s the case. AND that is the point. Most of the thoughts we think today are ones we thought the day before and the day before that. They are patterned and habitual. That is what makes up the vibe. You’re governed by the collection of thoughts. Yes, if you notice yourself thinking a negative thought, shift but don’t make it a bigger issue by worrying about it. One ant is manageable. Countless ones can be a problem.
If you discover a weed, remove it, but don’t freak out about it! I’m not a big fan of explaining it this way but if 80% or more of your thoughts are positive, you’re doing well. If 20% or fewer are negative, that’s not bad either. What matters is what you predominantly think and feel. What you do most of the time defines you. There’s movement in both directions. As you move toward one thing, you move away from another.
If I’m moving from New York toward Los Angeles, I’m simultaneously moving away from New York. Understanding transformation means realizing you don’t need to fear your thoughts. If you have a negative one, just move on. Be the captain of your thoughts, not their victim. If you think that a negative thought will manifest bad things, you will be right, for yourself. Expectations matter. What you believe matters.
As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Expectations and beliefs make things more likely. If you decide any negative thought is dangerous, that belief will hold true for you, but not necessarily for others who think differently. Thoughts are just thoughts. A single thought is like a single letter in the alphabet. Alone, it’s necessary but not that significant. Collectively it’s a different story.
It’s when thoughts combine into stories that they shape your experience. Monitor your thoughts, but don’t run from them. Don’t fear negativity, manage it. Now consider the other side. One positive thought doesn’t make that much difference either. Collectively however, they can add powerfully to your experience. Nurture and promote the positive. Tell yourself positive stories. Weed your garden and promote healthy plant growth.
Some teachers and authors want you afraid of everything, so you need them. They want you to take massive action, run when you aren’t being chased, fearing so many things, risking, working harder and harder, because that’s what they use to manipulate and control you. They use societal conditioned to get you worried about not doing enough so you follow them. Don’t sacrifice the joy of journeying for a destination. Live joyfully.
How you get there is just as important, if not more important than just getting there! I want you to live free. It is why Napoleon Hill said it is THINK and grow rich and not work harder and grow rich. Some people are willing to turn everything into a struggle. The truth is the harder you work, the harder you work. The smarter you work, the less you must work. When you enjoy what you do, you never work. Understand this. Life is for living!
Some people become obsessed with avoiding anything less than glorious that it becomes a problem. Yes, a trickle can become a flood, but it’s easier to redirect a trickle than manage a flood. Shift from negativity, but don’t compound it by fearing it or running from it or working so hard to get free of it. Let go of what you don’t want. Don’t resist it because that creates more issues. Let it go and encourage what you do want.
Better to dance through life than drag yourself through it. Joyfully weed your garden. AND enjoy the growth of beautiful plants and flowers. Don’t let errant thoughts become the stories that hold you back but again I emphasize, don’t worry about them. Don’t fear them. Instead, notice and use them to move forward into what you want. Solve problems by recognizing the problem. Don’t fear problems or obsess over them. Move on.
Read my book Life on Your Terms, jump into a program, or get the Attitude Activator™ from my website, to create the life you want. Live well, enjoy it all, and learn to live carefree and enthusiastically. Be optimistic. Don’t let worry or fear rule you. Take charge, and you’ll notice the difference. Have fun finding the positive and promoting it. Even celebrate noticing the negative thoughts so you can change them. Delight in all of it and life improves immensely. Attitude is everything and makes a tremendous difference. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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