“Many people wish and hope for BIG things. They hope somehow, someway their wish will be fulfilled. Many don’t realize they are resourceful enough to make their dreams come true. It’s not because they’ve never tried but because they have the wrong mindset or attitude. So, they wished big and when it was not fulfilled, they felt bad and developed a worse attitude. That doesn’t help!

They lost faith in their abilities. The lost faith in themselves. They allowed circumstances to rain on their parade and contaminate their mindset because they didn’t succeed as they’d hoped. The lost faith in the universe because they wished and hoped circumstances would prove favorable. When it didn’t, they accepted failure as their reality. They threw in the towel. They gave up and quit.

The difference between wishing and manifesting your dreams is vast. The easiest way to manifest anything is to become the kind of person for whom manifesting is easy. That means you develop the right attitude, the correct mindset. It means you believe in yourself that you can do it. That you will do and that you make things happen. You know you can. You are certain you will. Get it!


You develop confidence in yourself and ability to manifest or make happen what you want to happen by exercising that ability. Confidence comes by training yourself to win small and then gradually win larger and larger. The more you succeed and overcome obstacles the more you grow confident and continue to succeed. Start small and finish big! There’s a formula to follow.

The truth is you’re already a master manifestor. Sadly, most people manifest crap. They are crap magnets. They manifest crap because their attitude is crap. It’s not that they or you aren’t manifesting, it’s just you are manifesting stuff you don’t want. You must shift what you are doing. You must shift your attention and move in a different direction. Here’s how. Follow instructions.

Start with small things you are sure you can accomplish. Interesting things you’d like to do, haven’t yet bet are pretty sure you could. Then do it. Accomplish it. Then make subsequent goals slightly larger. Do it. Accomplish it.  Confidence comes by developing competence. The more you master the abilities you’d like to master the more your confidence increases. Understand this.


The successful person knows that in every obstacle there are the seeds of greater opportunity. The successful person knows that temporary defeat is not failure until it has been accepted as such. If you give up, you have quit the game. Keep playing and there’s no permanent failure. There are challenges and opportunities. Play the game and keep at it and you’ll develop skill and confidence.

Correct, consistent repetition over time builds habit. Confidence and success are habits you build by keeping at it. Start small and work your way up. It’s how you become confident and competent. With each win you feel stronger, and you are stronger. You develop your skills, and your confidence increases as you utilize your skills. Become the person for whom manifesting is easy.

Get it? Confidence and competent skill acquisition go hand in hand. Remember, you build confidence by walking the tightrope near the ground. You master that before raising the height. You become the best by mastering the basics. Anything you can do at a lower level you potentially could do at a higher level. Every step is important so don’t skip any steps. Follow instructions!


The reason so many don’t work it out and become good at what they want is they don’t follow instructions. They dabble. They think they know better. The try to innovate or do what is comfortable for them. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY! Follow this formula for success and you’ll easily succeed. Start small. Finish big! Keep going and do not let anything stop you.

Soon you’ll be making your large goals a reality. You got this and if not yet, you can learn it. What you can yet do today, you could do tomorrow if you’ll just do it and gain the necessary experience. Follow instructions. Do as described. Stick with it. It’s a valuable part of the learning and mastery process. Master one step at a time. Master the basics. Stick with the basics and make your dreams bigger. Apply the basics. Get it? Use these principles, develop the right attitude and make your dreams come true.  Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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