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“Most people do not realize how simple the process of making your dreams come true is. Many think it is hard. They’re told they must struggle, sacrifice, risk, take massive action IF they want to be happy and succeed. You don’t have to give anything up except your limited mindset and the resistance to receiving the results you seek. Let it go. Know this. It’s not that you take no action, but when your mindset is correct you take the RIGHT actions.

From the right attitude all else flows. It’s not as complicated as some think. It is so simple; the simplicity is what people let defeat them. That and the myths about manifesting. Earle Nightingale called it ‘The Strangest Secret’ because it is so simple. Napoleon Hill stated that because it was so simple most people would miss it; they would never do it. The Strangest Secret IS you become what you think about. Mindset matters.

How you make your dreams come true is the same process as when you order from a waitperson. You go to a restaurant and look over the menu. You DECIDE what you want from the menu. You don;t eat the menu. You order from the menu. You consider how you’d like it prepared. You give your order to the waitperson specifying how you want it. The waitperson goes off to the kitchen. You wait patiently, knowing you will be eating it soon.


You occupy yourself in conversation. You might read, look around, converse with someone, or sit and relax. Whatever. Soon the waitperson brings your food. You say thanks and eat it. You enjoy it. If it isn’t prepared as you specified, you may send it back so they can correct it. If it is prepared how you specified, you enjoy it. That is the simple formula. You order what you want. You wait. You receive. You partake. Get it? You get clear about what you want.

You specify how you want it. You place your order and wait patiently for it to come. If you ordered a Caesar Salad, you expect to get a Caesar Salad. You won’t get tacos. You’re not surprised or shocked when you get your salad. You may be grateful, but you aren’t shocked. You know when you place your order it will be taken care of. You know it will arrive. There may be some alterations, but you get what you order. You relax knowing it’s being taken care of.

You don’t rush back to the kitchen and micro-manage the process. Nor do you ask the waitperson every thirty seconds when it will arrive. You let go and let it come to you. You allow it. You receive. Again, you decide what you want. You order it. You wait on it. When you get what you ordered you’re simply delighted. You got it because you expected to get it. You may be grateful and say thanks, but you KNEW it was coming. You don’t struggle or risk to get it. Do you?


This IS the process for manifesting anything. Napoleon Hill said, ‘If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it.’ You get and become what we think about most. Focus on that. I’ll share more next time but understand it is a simple process. Don’t muck it up. Keep it simple. Order it and know you will get what you ordered. Believe you will get it and you will! That’s it! ‘Ask, believing you will receive, and you will receive.’ Have simple faith and positive, positive optimistic expectations. Enjoy the process or getting what you want. Realize you do this ALL the time, every day in some way or another. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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