“Why do some people get stellar results while others only get mediocre ones? What is it that makes a winner? Winners, or successful people, have a few characteristics or attributes, they share in common, that separate them from the rest.

One important attribute is that they are open, or receptive, to new ideas, and new avenues or streams of income. They are open to possibilities and opportunities. Being open is what separates them from those who don’t have as much. Those people aren’t open.

They tend to worry, focus on lack, are protective and don’t want to lose the little they have. Whereas, the person with the winning mindset is less risk adverse. They know they need to keep moving forward, growing, learning, investing in themselves and their future.

Prepare To Be Surprised – Plan For A Miracle – Expect The Best

If you aren’t already making your dreams come true the way you’d like, you might want to try on this mental mindset. You may wish to affirm some new ways of thinking. Anyone can change their thought habits if they are willing to try. Are you? I sure hope so. Do it now.

Be open to receiving unexpected good from unexpected sources. Expect things to always work out for the best. Know that no matter how ‘bad’ it gets you will always land on your feet. Keep the faith. Understand that limitations only exist in your mind, or your thinking.

This is what successful people think and believe. They are open to good things happening. They don’t worry about how to make things happen. They simply know they will when the time is right. Mediocre minds worry about the details. How, where will they get the money?

Make A Decision And The Universe Conspires To Make It Happen

Winners don’t worry. They know it will come. They believe. They understand they are unlimited beings. They accept abundance as a reality. They accept unlimited good from unlimited source.  They allow, accept and receive good things. They keep the faith.

Therefore they can make things happen. You can too! Stay open to accepting miracles small and large in your daily life. Know that you are blessed and count your blessings. Whatever you have is a blessing. Count them. Live with gratitude. Enjoy each moment. Have fun. Decide to make your dreams come true. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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