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“What makes this world a beautiful place? Thoughts. Yours and mine. It can also make it a less-than-desirable place. Your thinking determines your experience. It is how you evaluate, judge, label, reject or accept things. When right thinking, the world is delightful. If we are positive and optimistic it’s beautiful. If we are negative and pessimistic it’s not so good.

Thinking makes it so. Yet, some think that is not the case. Get that? They think that is not true. Hmmm. When we manage our thoughts and think the very best of ourselves, others and circumstances the world is wonderful. We paint this world as we want it to be by our thoughts and attitude. If it isn’t what you want it to be, then you must change your thoughts. Get it.

Our beliefs determine what we see and what we find. Our experience is shaped first within and then realized without. Perception IS everything. Everything in the universe we experience through neurological filters, our five senses and more internal processes. We don’t experience the world directly, although it seems we do. We experience the world through our brain and nervous system.


When we think the best of everything, we experience the best of everything. When we hold others in our hearts and wish them love, peace, blessings, and abundance, AND when we support this through compassion, understanding, acceptance and kindness, our world becomes amazing. Go First: Bless, Heal And Prosper We can give first even without others knowing we are giving.

We can care and make a difference! It begins with our thinking, but it must be manifested through our words and actions. We think it in our heads but move through the world by our feet. Therefore, only think, say and do those things that bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift another person and yourself. Live well by thinking, speaking and doing well.

Live well by doing kindness to yourself and others. There are people who suffer but somehow manage to find bright spots in the darkness. They live in the light while facing incredible odds and still find it within themselves to love, care for and encourage others. In spite of great personal difficulty, they act and help to encourage. They inspire. You and I can do more of this.


We ought to do more of this. Love and the world loves back. Some will say not everyone will love back. Okay, so what are you going to focus on? The positive or the negative. The solution or the problem. It is a choice you must make. What are you going to pay attention to? Remember, energy flows where your attention goes. You create. What are you creating? What are you attracting?

What makes this world a beautiful place? People do! Without our awareness this place just is. It’s a rock hurtling through space at high speed. People give it color, texture, love and life. People care. They help and they inspire. They uplift and celebrate. This is wonderful! People rally and support and nurture each other. In pleasant times and in difficult times.

People reach out and are there for one another. Know this and embrace this. There is good in this world. Love One Another It’s worth it to think the best of all people. Hold everyone in the highest esteem. Love and accept each other as Jesus encouraged us to do. I am not favoring Jesus here. Many have spoken on this, but his message was simple. ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’


His examples from the scripture are clear. He gave. He healed. He forgave. He fed. He nourished others. He taught, uplifted and inspired others. He walked his talk. He was a living example. Those he chastised were greedy know-it-alls. They had ego but no remorse. According to his story, he gave his life for them too. He forgave his captors and killers.

If he could do this, how can we not do a little something for one another when in need? How can we not give to help feed, clothe, minister and care for others. How can we not forgive and love and accept those who hurt us? He said, what you do for the least or the most lowly of all people you do for and to him. That’s straightforward. Pretty darn clear, don’t you think.

I don’t care whether Jesus existed or did not. The example set forth is worth emulating. Let’s love and focus on the goodness we find and the goodness we can create and not on hate, harm and division. Let’s seek harmony and uniting. Let’s seek cooperation and collaboration. We ought to help each other more. Not judge. We ought to help without prejudice.


We should be open and accepting. Give and then give some more. As we do the world changes BECAUSE we change. When we transform ourselves, even if a situation or other person doesn’t, WE DO! This is important to understand. You change the world by changing yourself! Stop trying to change others and events but heal yourself and you’ll help heal and transform events and circumstances. Get it? It’s a problem if you think it is. OR it’s a blessing if you think it is. Whatever it is is up to you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I’ve a lot more great ideas for living more fully and feeling fantastic in my book. Want to live and learn more enjoyably and easily? Get the book thousands are using to transform their lives! It’s filled with countless tips, suggestions, practices and principles PLUS MORE, to help you to live ‘LIFE ON YOUR TERMS: CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT!’ 

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“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms. It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” –  Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist

This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host

“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

It’s your good fortune. Get One For Yourself, And Some To Give Them Away!




©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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