“The bottom line is, work for the success AND play for yourself and others. Play for all to win and all will help you succeed. Create a wonderful life and attract wonderful people towards yourself. Help others do the same and together you make our world more wonderful. Seek first to transform yourself but not others. Allow them to be. Accept them. Change yourself first. Appreciate others.
You’ll succeed faster if your thoughts are sincere about the other person. When you are genuinely interested in helping them you will get help back sooner. When their interests are in your heart and you are helping them with no expectation of return THEN magic will happen. It works best when you’re doing it altruistically and not because you want something from them. and it does work!
Be genuinely helpful and dedicated to others and they can and will be towards you. While it is true some people take or do not give or return in kind, don’t let that concern you or prevent you from giving. Don’t let the bad actions of others cause you to do bad actions. Give for the sake of giving with no thought of yourself and you will get back from those who care.
Use The Attitude Activator™ to transform you and your business!
You’ll be rewarded in other ways from other people. AND the greatest reward of all is that you did something great for nothing!
You did something great for no reason at all. You did it to do it because you could. Take note of that. You did something good just because you could! That IS magical! This is how and when the magic begins to happen. When you BE the change you want.
Fill yourself with positive thoughts, feelings and energy. Wish well and do good for all others in mind and deed. You will get back so much more you will hardly be able to believe it. AND know this. As with everything, it comes in time. Transformation is a process that happens through time in the same way plants and animals and people grow up and older. It may not instantly appear.
Some things you may notice more quickly. Other things seem to remain the same. It is all happening. You just don’t see it yet. Similar to the seed growing underground. Trust that it is happening. Eventually, you’ll notice the magnificent differences. Hang in there. Keep the faith and believe. Believe you will and you can and will. Believe you won’t and you won’t. Get this.
Use The Attitude Activator™ to transform you and your business!
The first order of business is to become THE who you need to be to get the results you want. Enjoy the process. Celebrate and delight and you will see the fruits of your labors. Then Go First, think well of others, help them and add value to them in whatever positive way you are able. Do good and good will come back to you. Help them succeed and they will help you succeed. Be a positive cause! Develop positivity, optimism, enthusiasm, certainty and persistence. Enjoy the process.
For every cause, there is an effect. When you operate powerfully and positively at cause, by doing what I suggest, you will get powerful and positive effects returned. That is the law! It is all about cause and effect. Become the person who is the cause of all good things. Cause your world to be marvelous and you will have a marvelous world. Celebrate everything” Rex Sikes
Get my Mastery Loop™ training! I teach it in all of my programs but I am gifting people this online $497 training for FREE when you buy my book for yourself or as a gift for others.
Life On Your Terms & Mastery Loop™ >www.rexsikes.com/book
It’s available from Amazon and all the details and instructions are here at my website, rexsikes.com GET this bonus training FREE to discover how you can learn more easily and readily and enjoy naturally. Discover the joys of mastering your mind, feelings, behaviors and talents. Get Life On Your Terms and this important training!
Get the Attitude Activator™ today!
“Attitude Activator is quite simply, the best tool for shifting your mindset and galvanizing you into action I have ever come across and I have tried most of the top tools over the years. Combine that with Mind Design™ and you really can begin to design your own life.’ – Kathy Strong, Trainer & Consultant, UK
Use The Attitude Activator™ to transform you and your business!
Your success and happiness depends on one primary factor. Get this right and everything else falls into place. The greatest predictor of success in any area of your life, be it health, wealth, happiness, love or success is Attitude! With the right attitude, the world is yours. With the wrong attitude, you continue to struggle.
You’ll continue to perpetuate troubles. You know, if you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. AND doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity! Get it.
If you want your life to change you have to change things in your life. The first and most important update is change your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
I created the Attitude Activator™ to help you get unstuck, become resourceful to create the kind of life AND results you’re excited about and pleased with. I developed this process, a blueprint, a procedure, the method to make it easier for you!
Use The Attitude Activator™ to transform you and your business!
“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! – Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now! Sandra J. Horton, Facebook
“The Attitude Activator is something I want to share with other
people… I want everyone I come in contact with to experience how easy it is to change focus from negativity and unaccomplished goals to setting consistent outcomes that bring states that have long been desired… I dance through my days with a smile on my face and a humongous appetite for learning.” Gloria De Voss, ACSW, LSW, Park Forest, Illinois
“I’ll vouch that Attitude Activator is awesome! Highly recommend it.” Staley Mims, Facebook
“I’m absolutely fascinated with your attitude activator. In only 15 days of listening, it has begun to introduce changes in my life. Something that after listening to other people’s audio programs was impossible. Yours is superior and the sound is great!” Jaume Daumal, Spain
“Rex Sikes, awesome I love the attitude activator. ” Kamal El-Rassi, Facebook
Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY to transform your life!
©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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