“The path to cash isn’t focusing on money. It’s not focusing on yourself. That is the mistake many make. You don’t want cash to begin with. What, you exclaim. Yes, I do. No, you don’t. You want what cash brings you. You want what you can get using cash. You may think it’s a car or TV. It’s not that either. It’s the feeling of being fulfilled, satisfied, complete, valued, and more.

You want what money can bring you. You want the end, not the means. If you aren’t supposed to focus on money for the sake of money, or yourself, what ought you do? Make something others want. Provide a product or service others desire. That’s how you get money. Add value to others. All cash comes from somewhere and someone else. Serve others and you’ll be enriched. Connect with people.

There are people and resources around the world who have what you want and need. All you must do is connect with them. It’s about the relationships you create and the value you give and exchange that is where wealth originates. Produce what the world needs. Solve a problem. Provide a benefit and others will want to connect with you because you have what they want and need. Get it?


Become a provider and a giver, not a taker. Serve the world through a product or a service. If you aren’t ready to do that, serve your employer better. Go the extra mile. Add value to where you work. Make yourself indispensable. Serve so well they take notice and validate and reward you. When you do more than the others around you, you will stand out. Show up as a valued employee! Show up!

If the world doesn’t want what you have, you won’t be able to market and sell it. Sure, you could market something no one wants and eventually give it up. Or you can create something everyone wants and needs or serve your workplace so well they benefit from you being with them. When people truly want something, they always can find the means to buy it. Employers can reward you.

They happily purchase what they want most. That’s true if it is happening within your workplace too. For you to add value to others, where you are at or around the world, this may require a transformation within. You must redirect your energy and power by redirecting your attention away from money and onto how to help others. Focus on how to contribute. Focus on the relationship.


Focus on helping others benefit. Focus on giving more. Think bigger and beyond your personal pile of pennies. Make it about others, not yourself, and you’ll discover so much more value coming to you. It’s why there’s the saying, givers get. When you first seek to contribute to others, people notice. They can tell the difference between those who are selfless and those who are selfish. Givers get.

It is not about crushing the competition or another ninja strategy for success. If you try to deprive others so you can gain you will miss out. It may work in the short term but it’s better to find ways to benefit all, including yourself, than to try to only benefit you. Many books and programs are about working harder, sacrificing, beating the competition, but they are wrong. Instead, provide value and a valuable product or service and you can make all your dreams come true. Begin now, right where you are. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

You’ll find more great ideas and help in my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer! Makes a fantastic gift too!


“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
“One of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.” Moe Rock CEO & Publisher Los Angeles Tribune
“Pondering the purchase?………….DO IT! I have been a follower of Rex’s material for 7 years. I started roughly 25 years ago interested in NLP and Hypnosis for my own personal self-improvement. I bought seminar recordings, books, attended seminars, and as I look back those times when I was doing it, they are some of the most wonderful times of my life. I started a business I dreamed of, I got married, we had kids, I started a new job, I got divorced, my job become mind numbing, and I realized I had become complacent. My mind would ruminate more than it would just DO.
I bought the book and by chapter 3 I had read “DO IT” with so many vital explanations of how motivation works, I went to the store and started compiling my own book. You know, the one I had been ruminating about for 9 months. I handed Rex’s book to my girlfriend to read, I ordered another book (I anticipate another 2 purchases), and I am writing this review early, but it is so good.
Rex Sikes is the Bruce Lee of Self Help. This is a book you will read so DO IT!” Mike J Keebaugh
Great to get as gifts for loved ones, friends and to donate to hospitals and libraries.


©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC