“I am not sure anyone has said it better, simpler and more powerfully than Louise Hay when she said, ‘We can refuse to think certain thoughts. Look how often you have refused to think a positive thought about yourself. Well, you can also refuse to think a negative thought about yourself.’ People complain about not being able to control their thinking yet people, perhaps you, routinely refuse to accept or think certain positive thoughts.
When something good happens, they stop themselves from feeling good and speaking good about it. Instead, they think they’re not good enough or haven’t done enough to deserve something. Instead of thinking ‘wow, how wonderful, I am blessed, I love being me,’ they think less of themselves or the worst. Understand this point. If you can refuse to think positively and frequently do, THEN you can refuse to think negatively too.
You have choice. One has become habit for you, but you can change your habits. You can learn to make positive thinking or choosing positive thoughts your default setting. When you do, you release yourself from all manner of illness and disorder, you become stress-free and healthier because you stop releasing the chemicals causing you to react to the negativity. When you release good chemicals from positive thinking you feel better.
Refuse to think negative habitual thoughts. I’ve said this for more than forty years. Choose better thoughts. Choose the direction you want to travel in. What stops most people? I’ve asked. A thought! If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re correct. If right now you think, ‘well, easier said than done.’ ‘Well for you but not for me.’ STOP IT. Choose to think better thoughts. Begin to think, ‘I can learn to do this. I will learn to do it.’
Understand you are the chooser. You make the choices. Even when it doesn’t seem like it. You made the original choice and developed a habit. Now, make another choice and make the new one a habit. I’ve told you how more times than I can count. I’ll say this, do what I have said, and your life will change. Read my blog, read my book. Use the Attitude Activator™. Do whatever you can and must to take charge of your thinking. Get it!
‘If we choose to believe we are helpless victims and that it’s all hopeless, then the Universe will support us in that belief, and we will just go down the drain. … The past is over and done. We cannot change that now. Yet we can change our thoughts about the past. … The past has no power over us. It doesn’t matter how long we have had a negative pattern. The point of power is in the present moment.’ Louise Hay. It’s what you do now!
It’s who you are and what you do now! It’s what you think, because what you think, you become. Who you are and what you think determines how you feel and move through life. Feel free or stressed. Healthy or ill. What you think and feel determines what you speak to yourself and others and the actions you take. The results you get, your circumstances reflect what goes on within you. Change yourself and everything changes.
Understand that taking 100% responsibility for everything does not mean you condone everything. Let go of the notion that things can’t be because allowing them means promoting them. If you truly forgive someone it doesn’t mean you condone the behavior. It means you have let go and released the energy you’ve been giving it. You drop it. It doesn’t mean anything else. It means letting go of your hurt, resentment and anger feelings.
You let go to be free not to condone anything. You let go and release yourself from the grip of negativity that holds you back. Let go of the wounds and pain of the past. Let go of your self-criticism and loathing. Let go of others who may have hurt or harmed you. Let go of all that you consider bad. Let go of worry over the future. Let go and release yourself from this energy. Just drop it. The universe will take care of you if you are willing.
You choose and universe does the rest. You and universe are one. You’re the same. You’re an aspect of all that is. You’re no more and no less than the total creative power that is. You’re divine. When you realize THIS, you will love and accept your true self. You’ll let go of the facade, the stories, the conditioning you believed up until the point of letting go. You will enter NOW and discover much joy and positivity. It is always a choice.
You have hated things about yourself and your past. Think about that. You think it’s bad to think bad thoughts. You are thinking about thinking. Here’s the truth. YOU are the thinker. The thoughts are not you. The thoughts are what you have chosen to think until you choose not to think them. It’s as if you think you are the clothes you wear. Not so silly. You think you are the body. You think you are some entity named… Get it? Thinking
You think you’re broken, mistreated, abused, hurt, conditioned with problems. You could think just the opposite. The stories you tell yourself are the thoughts you think. You’ve repetitive, habitual, patterned thoughts which keep you the same. Change your thinking patterns, habits, routine and everything changes. Think differently about your thoughts, repeatedly, consistently, for long enough and those will become new habits.
Whether positive or negative, it is your choice. It’s your choice and it always has been. So, now choose how you will think from this point on. Begin to choose better choices for yourself. Make better, wiser decisions. Get it. THIS is why YOU CAN celebrate everything. This is why you ought to celebrate everything. Because when you do you understand, you determine the outcomes you get. Everything is up to you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC