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Hey There!

I have busily preparing for the launch of my Mind Design™ Online Program.  I’ve spent months designing and writing for this online program. This is one of the most positive and powerful programs available anywhere and I am so happy to offer it to the Beta group of pioneers.

This BETA program is an incredible offer. I am sorry if you did not get in. We filled up right away. If you want to get into another program, when we offer one, let us know today by emailing createyourbestlifewithrex@gmail.com

I have offered aspects of this program live, in my other NLP, hypnosis and personal transformations workshops and seminars since the 80’s. To date, I have not offered everything. That makes this program one incredible opportunity!

Mind Design ™ is one incredible program designed to help you be, do and have everything you want in life.  You can overcome whatever holds you back and get targeted, mind blowing results when you design your mind.

My goal has always been to assist you in creating your best life ever.

I am not that facile with online technology. I love live events.

So I, and my team, made special offer available. BRAVO and KUDOS to those who jumped in. We will have an incredible time together!

Besides everything else you get with this program you get a year of personal and group mentoring! Typically, people pay more than 10k for a day of my time. I mean, this is what is so cool. I get to spend time with you and you with me creating your best life ever!

Plus, I included so much more!

I always want to go the extra mild and provide great value and service. I an thrilled and eager to go! So congratulations to those of you who signed up! You rock! For those of you who missed out, keep the faith.

Contact us right now and we’ll see what we can do about getting another course up and running sometime.

Meanwhile, all the best wishes. Celebrate everything!

To those Jedi Knights who enrolled in Mind Design™ we are blasting off shortly!


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