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there are no limits bruce lee

…”You must believe that what you started you will finish no matter how difficult because when you do you will ultimately get there. You will succeed but not if you quit.

This is perhaps the most difficult aspect about all of this that we must understand.

We must keep the faith and maintain the positive attitude in the face of all of our difficulties. We must not give in to doubt or fear or anger or sadness but we must keep the faith and focus on feeling the best…

(Continued from 2 Big Reasons People Fail)

This is why steering back to center is so critical! You need to return to your positive focus if and whenever you get off track. Go back and re-read my blog posts if you don’t know what I mean.

I’m going to continue to address critical things people do and don’t do that result in failure. When people want success but don’t know how to become successful they do things that keep them from getting what they want. You need to know what to do and what to change in order to make your dreams come true.

As I have mentioned people get derailed by having unrealistic expectations. They think, ‘Okay I gave it a try it so bring it’ and they expect immediate results. They want everything to change instantly.

We learned to think this way mostly from our conditioning in various media. We are promised incredible results if we take a pill, spend our money, get a new haircut or whatever it is advertisers are trying to promote and sell. We have been led down a path that just does not exist. We are told we can have just about anything without any effort and we can have it right now for a certain amount of money.

So some people think, ‘okay I’ve sowed the seeds’ and now voila’ magically everything is instantaneously changed. They are disappointed when they don’t see immediate results so they discount it, state positive thinking doesn’t work and give up.

Someone said ‘there are no unrealistic goals only unrealistic time frames’. We CAN have anything we want in life in the time it takes to get it. We may get it sooner or later when we work for it but we will get it. It is important to understand everything has a season.

you must dive for the pearls

The other big mistake people make is that they are wiling try it (somewhat) but they don’t commit to making it work. They dabble. They dip their toe in the water but never actually dive in. They don’t commit, they don’t take the plunge. They stand on the sidelines, so to speak, but never really play the game. You never get 100% results from less than 100% effort. 50% effort just won’t cut it.

Imagine wanting a fabulously fit muscular body and going into the gym and doing a curl with a dumb bell once. Pretty stupid, right?

You know that you are only going to get muscles by repeatedly lifting on different days over a period of time. You understand that getting fit requires conditioning and that you have to stick with it in order to get AND keep the results.

Muscles grow by repetition and so does our mental muscle.

Every New Year people go into the gym and within a few days or weeks or months later they have given up. They got distracted, it was too difficult, or for whatever reason they give up. Gym membership is one of the biggest areas people waste money. It is not because the membership isn’t valuable but because they don’t use it.

Yes, it hurts to exercise, there is muscle burn so people abandon it. Those who get the body they want work out in spite of this. (It is best to be wise and do things properly when exercising).

Some people try positive thinking and quit because it was difficult at first. You must not quit if you want to succeed. Those who prevail reap the benefits and rewards.

To have success and to get the results you want you must daily do what you need to do to get ahead. You must keep going in the face of all outer OR inner opposition. When life is challenging or when you encounter self doubt or fears YOU must keep at it. Once you give up it is over. Failure is the result of stopping more than anything else.

success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out

Everyone of us knows we have to eat three times a day (more or less) each day of the week. We don’t try eating a few times and then claim, ‘well I tried it!’ We never say ‘I will eat for a year and then if I don’t have what I want I will do something else’.

In order to have the benefit we must commit to paying the price we have to pay to get what it is we want. To try something a few times and give up because we didn’t see the immediate benefit is silly.

Another big mistake people make is to set a time frame in which to give it a try. If they don’t get the results or success they want by a certain date or time frame then they quit and do something else.

In show business this occurs frequently. I hear from actors who move to Hollywood or New York say, ‘I’ll give it a year or two’. Or, they say, ‘I always have something to fall back on’ or ‘I need something to fall back on in case I don’t succeed’.

They partially commit but they do not actually commit. This is what so many people do and this is why so few actually succeed. People calculate. They think of what will they do instead in the event it does not work out for them.

WHAT on earth do you think you are creating when you think that?

This is putting your focus on ‘if it doesn’t work out’!!! Your focus is on the wrong part of the equation.

believe it to receive it

You must think, ‘I will do this and I WILL succeed no matter what’, ‘I can and will make this happen’, ‘It is inevitable that I will get my goals’, ‘I am the kind of person who makes things happen’.

‘If it doesn’t work out’, means that they have not taken control or put themselves in charge of achieving their goals and desires. ‘If it does not work out’,  essentially is the same as saying, ‘if it rains we will do something else’.  Instead of the locus of control being within them to succeed their success is determined from outside of them. Luck or circumstances dictate whether they will make it or not.

You succeed when you live as a victor not a victim. When you are the captain of your ship and not drifting aimlessly. You get where you need to get to by doing what it takes to get their regardless of the odds or the difficulty.

You must think about accomplishing it and not about what to do in case you don’t. The person who wins the race is the one who finishes the race no matter how long it takes.

Think how ridiculous it would be to state, ‘I will run the race for a few minutes but if I don’t win in that time frame I will do something else.’ If you ran half the race but not all of the race you never get to the destination.

This is not rocket science, people. If we want to get certain results then we must do whatever it takes (legally, honestly, ethically) to get those results. We can’t be half assed in any fashion.

make an effort not an excuse

You only get that fantastic body by doing what it takes for as long as it takes. Once you have arrived you must continue to do what it takes to maintain that body. You would never say, ‘I’ll work out for a year and if I don’t get results I will stop’.

First off, you know that IF you did work out for a year YOU WOULD get results.  They are not immediate but they come with repeated effort through time. You might work out harder but you can’t rush the results you get.  So you stick with it for the time it takes to get them.

Someone said, ‘you can’t get up hill thinking down hill thoughts’.

You are never 100% if half of your attention is focused on losing, or not having, or not finishing. You can’t win this way except, perhaps, by accident, and that is not likely.  IF you have a fall back plan at least a portion of your mind and energy and being is expecting to have to bail. You have an out, an escape, an excuse.

We BECOME what we think about most often!

If you want to succeed you aim your thoughts and feelings like a laser beam toward what you want to accomplish and then you go about making it happen.

When you totally concentrate and focus your attention 100% on making your dreams a reality you consolidate all your energies and make them work for you.

This is precisely why you revisit  your definite chief purpose, you repeat your affirmations powerfully and you choose to feel the very best every single day. You fill yourself up 100% with what you can and will do to make your dreams come true. You get what you focus on!

You make the inside of you a magnetic powerhouse for creating and attracting all great things! Everything begins with thought!

faith it till you make it

You become a dynamic attractor and creator because what is inside you that motivates you resonates through and through you. Others can and will see your determination and enthusiasm when you are totally focused.

When you know what you want and are determined to get it you are congruent. Your entire being is set in motion toward making what you want to happen, happen. You are dedicated. committed, determined and persistent. You keep going and never let anything take you from accomplishing your purpose.

Yes, benefits come in time just as that conditioned body shows up eventually.

There is a reason the saying exists ‘winners never quit and quitters never win’. You won’t be a success in your life if you can’t commit to making your life successful.  hose who succeed frequently encounter hardship and sometimes terrible difficulty, but they know what they want and they don’t let temporary challenges get the better of them.

never give up time will pass anyway

They persist. They know they will succeed, they will make their dreams come true when they continue to work at it. They plan to celebrate their success and ignore their defeats. They expect to win.

They don’t limit themselves with thinking they can always bail if they don’t make it. If you have a fall back position chances are you will fall back. People who make it make it for the simple reason that they are determined to make it and never let anything stand in the way of that. They know what they want and they do what it takes to secure having it.

The smart, wise ones do it with positive enthusiasm and goodwill towards all even when they can’t yet see the results.

Religious texts from all around the world seem to describe this process and the necessity of maintaining your faith when the evidence is not there.

One brief old testament example is the story of David and Goliath. Opposing forces meet, one side has a critical force that will crush the other side. A large imposing giant able to readily kill his enemy. No mortal stands a chance. BUT David secure in his faith challenged and defeated Goliath with a pebble and a sling.

Hey, I don’t care if it is a true story or a fairy tale, what I take away from it is great wisdom. David rushed Goliath he ran head long toward his problem and conquered it. It was his faith, his belief that gave him the strength and the attitude to tackle his problem head on and declare victory prior to engaging with the giant. According to David, God already declared him victorious.

WOW, ‘he rushed the giant’ is a thought I now keep in mind. So many of us run from our doubts and fears and problems. We try to avoid problems and negative feelings and hate them.

David met his problem, declared victory, stood his ground and prevailed. OUTSTANDING! I can at least do something similar in my life. I can begin to believe I can meet challenges and prevail no matter what.

focus on possibilties make it happen

OKAY one more example, JOB! ‘The lord gives and the lord takes away’. His faith is challenged in a test between God and the ungodly. Again, accurate historical description or fairy tale does not matter to me for what I gain from it. He kept his faith no matter what was going on around him. Job stayed true though he was severely challenged.

Alright, I provided two brief examples, there are countless examples in religious and inspirational texts, and I mean countless. Check it out if you want some good reading.

This is why some succeed while others don’t. The ones who make it keep trying until the actually make it. They make their breaks by not giving up. They keep the faith. They expect to win. They trust that if circumstances aren’t yet positive they will be.

If they are in the right in the right place in the right time it is because they hung in there when everyone else left. Those who get the prize finish the race. They maintain a positive powerful attitude. After all, attitude is everything. I will discuss more about this soon.

We cannot and we must not let the present circumstances, if they are less than glorious, get the better of us. There is hope when you focus on what you want and what you can do to change the present to the future.

You can transform the present through your attitude, by being thankful and practicing gratitude, by focusing on the positive thoughts, affirmations and positive questions. Choose the best feelings and steer back to center whenever necessary.

Maintain your faith in things coming that are as yet unseen. Trust that everything will work out even if you don’t presently know how.This is a huge point to understand and put into practice! TRUST THAT EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT and that you will find a way eventually, even if you don’t know how at this moment.

life is an echo

Believe in yourself and maintain you attitude. Focus each day on what you can think and feel and do to make your dreams come true and avoid thinking about what you can’t do, don’t like or what is negative.  Find the good and new each day to celebrate and your life, your present and your future will transform! It may happen slowly, as already mentioned, but it will transform so hang in their.

Hopefully, what you are beginning to understand is the notion, that patience isn’t merely waiting for things to come to pass, but rather it is how we wait. When we are in the optimum states mentally, physically and spiritually waiting is not the issue because we are enjoying the journey to our destination.

We become what we think about most often. What we focus on we get. We get back what we put out. We reap what we sow. Energy flows where our attention goes. So think and feel and expect the best and you will get more of the same.

Hang in there and make your life the most incredible it can be. It is in your hands. It is completely up to you. Make it marvelous.” Rex Sikes

‘This is the day the lord hath made rejoice and be glad in it!’

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